
  • AngloPlat production rises

    AngloPlat production rises


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    Platinum producer, Anglo American Platinum’s production for the last quarter of 2019 rose by 18 percent to 531 700 ounces. Anglo American Platinum said metal in concentrate platinum and palladium production both increased by 10 percent, to 531,700 ounces and 360,400 ounces, respectively. Own-mined platinum production increased by 18 percent to 361,900 ounces and palladium…

  • Vast Resources begins financing draw-down

    Vast Resources begins financing draw-down


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    Mining firm Vast Resources says it jas commenced drawing down a US$15 million facility for its projects, among them a diamond project in Chiadzwa. Last year Vast Resources arranged financing which it has prioritised for the Baita Plai Polymetallic Mine in Romania and the Chiadzwa Community Concession in Zimbabwe. “The company is in the process…

  • Labour Amendment Bill leaves out ex-miners’ concerns


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    Written by Byron Mutingwende BINDURA – Hundreds of miners illegally fired from work at one of the Mashonaland Central province’s mining giants Mwana Africa long before the enactment of the Labour Amendment Bill see no hope in the legislation to deliver them from their plight. The Labour Amendment Bill was triggered by massive job losses…