NetOne CEO Lazarus Muchenje Together With Other Top Executives Suspended
Following the resignation of three NetOne board members including Board Chairman Mr. James Mutizwa Netone Board has suspended its CEO Mr Lazarus Muchenje and Chief Finance Officer, as the current rigorous audits continue to haunt the state-owned enterprise. RELATED READING: NETONE BOARD CHAIRMAN RESIGNS INCLUDING TWO OTHER BOARD MEMBERS The board had instituted 6 separate audits…
Telecel Zimbabwe Woes Continue As It Faces Eviction
Telecel Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd is set to be evicted from its two rented premises belonging to First Mutual Investment Company (Pvt) Ltd after accumulating rental arrears amounting to US$40 843. First Mutual is said to have approached the High Court in order to make Telecel settle the arrears and the MNO is yet to respond…