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Britney Madondo, a 19-year-old Zimbabwean Irish woman is vying for the prestigious Miss Dublin title.
“I am passionate about helping people in my community and giving back in any way that I can. I am currently studying Film and Broadcasting at TU Dublin, Grangegorman as I have a desire to succeed in various areas within the media industry because I believe I can use my voice to create an impact on a large scale. I am a goal-oriented, spontaneous person who aspires to see the world and acquire knowledge wherever I go. I love learning about diverse cultures and meeting new people and making friends in different environments.
“My hobbies include singing, cooking, writing, watching TV series and movies with my family, and putting together outfits because I have a passion for fashion, and I believe self-care is essential in personal development. My loved ones would describe me as wise, ambitious, generous, open-minded, and a go-getter. I look forward to this journey as I feel like I can learn a lot from it and grow as a person and I can’t wait to make new friends and learn amazing things from my fellow entrants!” Madondo posted on her Instagram and told Spiked Online Media about her ambitions.
She was born in the Republic of Ireland and moved back to Zimbabwe at the age of 11 . Instead of putting her in a group A school, the parents put her at Avondale Primary school so she could get accustomed to local cultures and traditions. Being the natural leader that she was, the school authorities immediately made her a prefect the same year.
Madondo was chosen by fellow prefects and staff to be the head girl the following year. On announcing the head girl of that year, the Senior Teacher said, “The girl I’m going to announce now, is not only loved and respected by students but by the teachers and the head of this school. We looked for every reason to not give her this and even the head mistress had to personally interview her again, and she was left with no doubt that she was the best person to be the head girl of this school.”
Britney remains on the poster of Avondale Primary School to this day.
She then went to Arundel Primary School where she excelled in her academics and played Basket Ball until she moved back to Ireland just before her O’ Levels. She was automatically chosen to the students’ council by fellow students and became a prefect until she finished her A’level and passed with an Equivalent of 14 points in Zimbabwe. She is now studying Media and Broadcasting at TU Dublin.

Britney is the second of 3 siblings. Her Sister Tatenda went to Groningen University in the Netherlands where she was chosen to be the President of the Student of the Law School where she was studying International law.
Her mum was the first and only Zimbabwean to stand for elections in Dublin in 2009.