5 Tips For Hanging Outdoor Christmas Lights


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The holiday season is incomplete without any celebrations. And when Christmas is around the corner, there are various ideas for a grand celebration at home. It’s that time of the year when friends and family all come under the same roof. But all these will be a step behind until you display the perfect celebratory lights. Christmas lights are a fabulous way to symbolize the beauty and warmth of the festival. However, as you know, not every arrangement is spectacular. There might be an immense variation between conception and execution. You may find decorating the outdoor quite hectic and can make some impulsive decisions regarding lighting ideas. To rescue you from the last-minute disarrangement, here are tips to help hang perfect outdoor lights.

1.   Prepare A Master Plan

The best decoration is a well-planned one. Before you begin, develop an overall strategy. Look at the house and click a photograph to determine the areas you want to highlight. Choose a focal point that attracts the attention of visitors. Figure out other places you wish to light, like windows, pillars, posts, roof, doors, and even the pathways. Accentuate the detailing of your house with spotlights, floodlights, or other hanging lights at different points. Besides, hang lights on the corners to make it look more lively. Symmetry and proportion are the vital aspects of design, so prepare a plan beforehand whether you’re doing-it-yourself or hiring a professional for the lighting.

2.   Choose Equipment Wisely

Before starting the decoration, invest some time to hand-pick the tools. Exterior lighting requires much caution as they are prone to harsh weather and related wear and tear. Commence with inspecting the lights and cords. Ensure there are no frayed cables, and the power comes from the ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet. As it is impossible to have power outlets at every nook of the house, you might require a 30 amp extension cord for outdoor use. This cord can be sturdy enough to withstand damages and are flexible, durable, and safe to use.

The next part involves choosing the right lights.  Outdoor Christmas lights are different from indoor lights. They must meet industry standards, should be waterproof, and thoroughly checked before use. The best suggestion will be having plastic accessories, including lights, clips to secure them, and big bulbs all made up of plastic. Before installing, ensure having a reliable ladder and a helper. Never forget to read the instruction manual to follow all the safety guidelines. Once you choose all the vital accessories, it’s finally the time to hang the lights.

3.   Add Enough Lights

The one mistake that can ruin the beauty of Christmas decorations is not having enough lights. After you sort the places to hang the lights, get an accurate idea of how many boxes of the same you require. Remember, adding a variety can enhance the beautification. Measure the windows, doors, fences, etc., to know the length of strings and types of lightings needed. Always choose net lights for bushes and shrubs as it creates a mesh-like structure that drapes like a blanket giving a surreal look. But, if your garden has trees, you can hang simmer spheres that come in different shapes, sizes, and colors to provide a fuller look. Animated lights are best for displaying the nativity scenes. The last tip includes adding more bulbs per strand if you want to make your house look brighter.

4.   Installing Lights On The Rooftop

The most popular outdoor area for hanging lights is the rooftop. But decorating a roofline can be a tedious job and requires caution. Much movement on the roof can be risky for you as well as damage the same. To make sure the lights hold their position in the gutter, shingles, and peaks, begin with some elementary beforehand preparations. Try to measure or get a rough estimate of the roofline. Use plastic clips that can clip on gutters, eaves, and shingles. For a flat-roofed house, you can use wall hooks and pins to fit the wall. Deter from the fall and slip risk by wearing soft shoes with a good grip while placing the lights. Besides, you may take help from family, friends, or even experts for a perfect installation of lights and ornaments.

5.   Lighting For The Backyard

When your front yard is all set with the lights, it’s time for the backyard. Most people concentrate on making their garden and entrance attractive, but they neglect the areas at the back of the house. When guests are in awe with your ornamentation, they may want to roam around to other parts of the house. Consider hanging sparkly string lights along the deck railings, placing lighted animal structures near bushes, and hanging Christmas messages that also look attractive. Any of these ideas can add a bling to the backyard and make it as charismatic as the front.


With all the execution parts coming to an end, it’s time to admire your hard work. You’ll find how the above tips work wonders. Blinking lights will transform your house into something new and fascinating. The magic of perfect lighting will help present a welcoming vibe for all. This Christmas, let your lighting idea create a design that can illuminate your house as well as your life.