Norton Private Clinic receives essential equipment from Susan Mutami


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Australia-based Susan Mutami today made a life saving donation to the Norton Private Clinic in fulfilment of the popular saying, “a doctor is as good as the equipment at his disposal.”

The donation was in response to a request made by the Chairman of the Norton COVID-19 Taskforce, Hon Temba Mliswa, who is also the legislator for the area whose intention is to make Norton Private Clinic a coronavirus treatment centre.

Officiating at the handover ceremony, Dr. John Mangwiro, the Deputy Minister of Health and Child Care said the equipment comes in handy since the medical practice is evolving to a point where cut throat technologies are now advising the way patients are managed.

“With this type of equipment, we will deploy specialists to Norton because this medical facility will be a patient maximum care centre. This is a very welcome donation as it comes during this difficult time of COVID-19.

“Looking back over the past few months, one can recall that most of the patients requiring specialist services and care would go to Harare’s already overburdened hospitals. As a ministry, we intend to have health attaches at every embassy around the world so that they will be able to bring back the knowledge, expertise and equipment as done by Susan Mutami,” Dr. Mangwiro said.

Susan Mutami sourced the equipment from the kind-hearted Australians who donated medical equipment and sundries to the people in need in her country of birth, Zimbabwe.

She extended her gratitude to the Australian Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Bronte Moules who was represented by Ms. A Kelsall, the Second Secretary, and to the Government and People of Australia for their generosity.

The donations include ICU ventilators, electrocardiogram (ECG) machines, Neurological observation machines, prescription glasses, and ketamine infusion pumps to the tune of US$160 000 in value.

This will go a long way in empowering the country’s hospitals and contribute more towards healthy security which is one of the key seven categories of human security according to the  United Nations Development Program Report. 

“As we celebrate this historical moment, I know that these medical equipment and hospital sundries will impact lives and is a milestone for the country towards achieving the United Nation Developmental Goal Number three which is focused on ensuring healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.  

“I am very grateful to the senior government officials, doctors, NGOs, the local council, the media, and friends present at this ceremony.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the donated medical supplies and equipment are filled with the love and kindness of thousands of Australians. It is indeed a demonstration of shared love between Zimbabwe and the people of Australia. I know that this donation will complement the Government’s Vision 2030 which entails the provision of an efficient, integrated, and quality health care system, with priority being given to preventive care at community and household levels,” Mutami said.

She said she hoped that many mothers with complicated pregnancies will safely deliver their babies and that many medical emergencies will now be managed in Norton.

The people of Norton will no longer need to travel to Harare to get quality health services. Mutami was hopeful that the donations will serve as an inspiration for the Government and Zimbabweans abroad to continue investing in health systems and better healthcare for citizens and ensure that essential health products are available within close proximity.

Hon Mary Mliswa Chikoka, the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Mashonaland West Province said the donation dovetails with President E.D Mnangagwa’s government’s calls to re-engage foreign countries and Zimbabweans in the diaspora with the view of raising the standards of living for Zimbabweans in line with vision 2030.

“The presence of the second secretary of Australian Embassy to Zimbabwe at this event is a testimony of the fruits of the re-engagement policy and we want to applaud this Your Excellency for being here.

“This donation Hon Deputy Minister Mangwiro, will also help us in the fight against COVID 19 which has affected every nation across the globe. Zimbabwe as the rest of the world and Mashonaland West Province continues to be on high alert especially in the wake of a new wave that is threatening to wipe away earlier gains against the fight of this deadly pandemic,” Hon Mary Mliswa said.

Yesterday in his State of Nation Address, President E. D Mnangagwa reiterated the government’s commitment to improving the delivery of health care for the people of Zimbabwe.

Dr. Norman Bepswa, the Practitioner-in-Charge of the Norton Private Clinic thanked the stakeholders for making the donation a reality.

“I would like to assure you that your efforts will not go to waste. It will be put to good use for the benefit of our community,” Dr. Bepswa said.

Hon. Temba Mliswa reiterated his wish to make Norton a hub for health tourism, riding on the mantra, “One Norton One Constituency”.