PACT extends festive season love to sex workers


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By Tsitsi Ndabambi

The Protection of Adults and Children Trust Zimbabwe (PACT) threw an end of year luncheon for about thirty young women and men whose day to day lives involve sex work at Mbizi Game Park in Harare.

The organization clearly showed, in accordance with the Bible teaching, that not only a rod of correction keeps a child on the right track but that love conquers all.

PACT said it is important to know a person’s background before passing the wrong judgement on someone if we are to change them into a better person.

On listening to these young “sex workers” stories which are a nightmare and hard to ponder, on why they resorted to sleeping with men at young ages for money, it was heartbreaking to learn that most of them are orphans heading families hence the decision to trading the forbidden fruit as the only means of survival in the harsh economy which has been unkind to them.

PACT, an organization that is widely spreading in different countries mobilized well-wishers to donate towards this once-in-a-lifetime event for the second time. The young people were fed and showered with clothes and groceries.

“I am grateful to PACT and all who donated these nice clothes and food for us. At least this festive holiday, me and my two young siblings are not going to starve and this will save me from the pain of sleeping with older men. The $3 short time money that I sometimes get will never match the value of all I received today,” said Rudo a 15-year-old sex worker from Hopley.

All of them still spoke of their dream to leave the oldest profession when given the opportunity and go back to school and fulfill their dreams.