Documentary film screening for rural communities bridging the digital divide


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By Habakkuk Trust

Habakkuk Trust has since incorporated digital media advocacy as a tool for reaching out to remote communities with limited access to mobile networks. The media technology has enabled the screening of documentary films on natural resource benefit and access to justice for women in traditional courts in Bubi, Gwanda, Bulilima, and Nkayi Districts.

The documentary screening sessions have enabled Habakkuk Trust to bridge the digital divide which exists between urban and rural communities. In addition, these sessions have provided a platform for traditional leaders and the community to actively feedback on issues of access to justice and natural resource benefit.

The documentary on community benefit from natural resources captures community voices on extraction and benefit including environmental impact. The documentary also includes the views of local authorities and other key players in the natural resource governance sector.

The documentary on access to justice captures the voice of women and traditional leaders on the customary justice system.

Participants who attended the screening sessions welcomed the move citing that it has provided them with a cross-learning experience.

“We greatly appreciate the move by Habakkuk Trust to bring the documentaries to the community, this has provided us with a platform to interact on issues raised on the documentary,” said Mr. Grey Ndlovu, secretary to Chief Madlambudzi in Bulilima Ward 11.

The two documentaries were produced in response to gaps in natural resource governance and justice delivery in traditional courts in rural Zimbabwe. The organization has screened the two documentaries in four districts of the Matebeleland region which include Bubi, Bulilima, Gwanda, and Nkayi.

To watch full documentaries, click on the links below, and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel:

Women and the traditional justice system

Community benefit from natural resources