Drivers die mysteriously in Banket


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By Elvis Dumba

Banket- Two truck drivers mysteriously lost their lives in this farming and mining town in a development that left residents terrified and with more questions than answers.

A truck driver, Anderson Daka of Markwave Transport mysterious died in his truck inside the Banket Grain Marketing Board Depot.

The driver went to Banket GMB Depot on Friday around 1600hrs to load wheat and was loaded on Saturday 21 August.

According to security sources at the depot, the driver was only discovered dead in his truck on Monday around 1500hrs.

“The driver came on Friday to load wheat but managed to only load on Saturday. He informed some workers that he was not feeling well and wanted to rest for a few minutes after which he parked his truck inside the depot around 1200hrs. He was found dead when security details went to check the truck after noticing that all other trucks which were loaded over the weekend had left the depot.”

His body was taken to Banket District Hospital Mortuary by the police.

Recently, there was an outbreak of covid positive cases at the depot with one worker succumbing to the virus.

Meanwhile, a driver with Zimasco collapsed and died along Raffingora-Banket highway on Sunday around 1700hrs about a kilometer from GMB Depot.

According to witnesses, the driver disembarked from Land Cruiser branded Zimasco at a bus stop in Banket and collapsed. He was rushed to Banket District Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

The two mysterious deaths were confirmed by Banket Police Station Officer in Charge N. Damburai who referred further questions to the provincial police Spokesperson Inspector Margaret Chitove who said she was yet to receive details of the incidents.