Kadoma entrepreneur celebrates birthday with the elderly


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By Chimeno Azriel

Kadoma youthful entrepreneur, Mr. Godwin Gwara celebrated his birthday with the elderly at a ceremony held in Kadoma last Saturday.

The youthful businessman celebrated his birthday in style by giving out maize to the Kadoma senior citizens in the Rimuka high-density suburb.

Instead of throwing big parties and receiving presents, Gwara decided to celebrate and host his 36th birthday with the elders in wards 4 and 7 with whom he shared a birthday cake and some maize, much to the delight of the elderly who praised the young man for remembering them.

During the handover ceremony which took place at a local Hall on Saturday, the energetic and hardworking Gwara, together with his wife, handed over two tonnes of maize which was shared among the elders who were full of joy after receiving the maize. Mrs. Gwara handed over the maize to the elderly with the help of other dignitaries including Phani Phiri the former ZANU (Pf) Member of Parliament for Kadoma Central.

Speaking to the elderly during his speech, Gwara narrated how God raised him from humble beginnings to where he is now saying he was happy to celebrate his birthday in a different way for the first time in his life.

“I feel very happy to celebrate my life this way. We were all born and taken care of by parents so I decided to celebrate my birthday with the elderly as a way of appreciating how they are important in life. That is why I bought this maize in order to celebrate my life with them,” said Gwara.

Considering his background, he saw it fit to give to the needy and according to Gwara, life was not that rosy for him when he was growing up.

” I grew up here in Kadoma and it is my wish to share what God has given to me with the senior citizens and here I am today celebrating my birthday with them though. It may look small but I know the presents will grow by each day,” said Gwara.

This is not the first time the young entrepreneur has been involved with his community. He once donated refuse bins in the local high-density business areas and has helped in the sourcing of the solar-powered boreholes and is currently helping the youths with brick moulding projects.

He is in the process of installing free wifi in the area for young learners to have access to research. Speaking on why he decided to host the elderly, Gwara said the event was an opportunity for him to thank his elders who had groomed him to become who he is now.

“This event is an opportunity to thank my elders who shaped me to be who I am today including my mother for what she has done for me for the past 36 years,” said Gwara.

Mr. Phiri hailed the youthful man for remembering the elders in such a way. He encouraged Gwara to continue remembering the elderly since that is where his blessings will come from.

“I urge you to continue remembering these old people. It is God who will reward you in the future,” said Phiri.

Some beneficiary elders said they were happy to receive the maize and heaped praise on the youthful businessman for remembering them.

“I am happy to be part of this event and I am going to go for some months eating the mealie-meal and let God bless this young man,” said Sekuru Chapita.

Gogo Gumbo and Gogo Dota were also over the moon for receiving the maize and wished more years to come for the youthful Gwara. They said at times they run short of mealie-meal and thanked Gwara for remembering them.

The young entrepreneur is always helpful to the community he lives and according to Gwara, he gives at least a bucket of maize to the needy as well as to any bereaving families. The day after he treated the elderly, Gwara had to give another batch of maize to the elderly at his church – Grace Bible Church, and promised to continue doing so by the grace of God.

Gwara has interests in mining, poultry, and grocery shops.