Zimbabwe deepens solidarity with Palestine’s aspirations for freedom


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The Zimbabwe Palestine Solidarity Council (ZPSC) on Friday successfully hosted a conference where various stakeholders reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Palestine against the apartheid Israeli regime that continues to curtail human rights and social justice for Palestinians.

In his remarks during the conference, HE Tamer Almassri, the Ambassador of Palestine to Zimbabwe appreciated the immense support of Zimbabweans to Palestine in its quest for independence from the Israeli apartheid settler regime.

“I appreciate the support from the government and the people of Zimbabwe in our quest to end one of the worst and the last occupations in the world, which is the Israeli apartheid regime. We would like to reiterate the fact that with your support and solidarity, Palestinian people can also achieve self-determination and together we can end the Israeli occupation and colonialism,”  HE Almassri said.

In his solidarity remarks, Ambassador Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, the ZANU (PF) Secretary for External Affairs said Zimbabwe was one of the first countries to recognise the Palestinian State by establishing a Palestinian Embassy in Zimbabwe immediately after independence in 1980. He said it is the only country that had a Palestinian Ambassador as the Head of the Diplomatic Corps.

In reiterating Zimbabwe’s support of Palestine, Hon Webster Shamu, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, who is also the ZANU (PF) Deputy Political Commissar, said the ruling party supports the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine.

However, Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa, the ZANU (PF) spokesperson said the two-state solution for Israel and Palestine was being hampered by imperialist powers like Britain and the United States who are reluctant to reprimand Israel and force it to adopt a plethora of United Nations resolutions to that effect.

Mr. Kwanisai Mafa, the ZPSC Chairperson said his organisation will not tire in its quest to mobilise support for the independence of Palestine as evidenced by representatives from students movements, Muslim and Chrisian organisations, writers, the media, the diplomatic community and development partners who graced the conference and came up with resolutions below:

We join together in rededicating ourselves to working against all forms of oppression against the people of Palestine.

Therefore, it is resolved, that the Zimbabwe Palestine Solidarity Council expresses solidarity with the Palestinian people by;

  1. Calling upon all governments to acknowledge the divisive nature of the Israeli state and to argue for its isolation until it is prepared to dismantle its apartheid infrastructure in favour of the full unconditional independence of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.
  2. Resolve to call for the unconditional removal of illegal economic sanctions against Zimbabwe which amounts to collective punishment of a sovereign people.
  3. Countering Israel’s propaganda regarding the false invention of antisemitism and false claims of historical rights in Palestine.
  4. Supporting the Palestinian efforts to join international institutions and treaties, including full membership of the United Nations.
  5. Creating platforms that allow for the promotion and conscientization of the masses against Israeli propaganda.
  6. Creating aggressive campaigns to counter Israeli participation in all socio–economic and political activities in Zimbabwe and the larger African continent including an economic boycott.
  7. Consolidate solidarity programs with the programs under the Pan African Palestine Solidarity Network and the global anti-Israeli Apartheid movement
  8. To lobby regional (SADC), continental (AU), and international organisations to declare Israel a rogue/ pariah state and call for the immediate expulsion from these bodies and expose the destructive role of Israel in Africa
  9. To strengthen solidarity activities and mutual cooperation amongst all solidarity organisations in Zimbabwe.
  10. This conference is in solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria whose people have suffered the loss of thousands of lives in the recent earthquake.