World Press Freedom Day: enhance access to information


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By Elvis Dumba

Media practitioners in the country yesterday joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Press Freedom Day with calls for developing and strengthening press freedom in the country.

In a statement, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists said the press and members of the public struggle to access information from government ministries and agencies including parastatals even though the Freedom of Information Act was enacted to curb such tendencies and enhance public accountability.

“The enactment of the Cyber and Data Protection Act gazetted in 2021, which criminalizes the publication of falsehoods under section 164c and the gazetting of Private Voluntary Organizations Bill has the potential to torpedo the public’s fundamental rights relating to freedom of expression, association, and privacy. ”

Zimbabwe Union of Journalists says it acknowledged the ongoing engagements with the Zimbabwe Republic Police and the union with other partners to ensure the safety and security of journalists, especially in the election season.

“When journalism is compromised, human rights cannot be protected, a free media reporting on issues that interest the public and shape their lives is a key building block on any rights-respecting society.” part of the statement said

Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) said political will and a change of mindset are required for the enjoyment of the freedom of expression and that of the media.

The Union said women’s advancement in the country is being deterred by reports of sexual harassment in the industry.

“Against this background, ZUJ calls upon all media organizations and stakeholders to work on implementing media policies that help achieve full and productive employment for all journalists in conditions of freedom, equity, security, human dignity, and decent salaries ”

ZUJ said poor remuneration for media practitioners across the board is a threat to the media’s ability to play its role as a fourth estate of the realm.

The country has made notable achievements in the media industry through the opening of the media space relating to the liberalization of the airwaves that resulted in the establishment of 14 community radio stations, 10 licensed regional and provincial commercial radio stations, and 6 campus radio stations.

This year’s Press Freedom Day is commemorated under the theme ” Shaping a future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a driver for all other human rights “