Zimbabwe takes significant steps to prioritise youth empowerment in agribusiness


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 The Government of Zimbabwe has taken significant steps to prioritise youth empowerment and mainstream youth in national development, particularly through the uptake of agribusiness initiatives for young people.
This was said by Nickros Kajengo, the Chief Programmes Coordinator, Agricultural Youth Desk, Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, who is also the Head of the Zimbabwe delegation for the Africa Union Agribusiness Youth Strategy (AAYS) Regional Dialogue for Southern Africa Region running from 1 to 2 August 2024, in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Zimbabwe has key achievements to promote the uptake of agribusiness by young people.
Constitutional Emphasis on Youth Empowerment: The Zimbabwean constitution, under Section 20, explicitly prioritizes the mainstreaming and empowerment of youth.
Presidential Youth Incubation Program: In 2022, President Mnangagwa launched the Presidential Youth Incubation Program, which provides training, inputs, and support (such as poultry, land, and heifers) to empower youth entrepreneurs.
Youth Business Units: The government has established “Youth Business Units” targeting 2,400 rural wards across the country.
School Business Units: An initiative to set up “School Business Units” has been implemented, aiming to reach 9,600 schools and foster youth entrepreneurship.
Presidential 10-Hectare Scheme: This program has allocated parcels of land to youth, providing them access to productive agricultural resources.
Agricultural Youth Desk: An Agricultural Youth Desk has been established within the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development to specifically address the needs and concerns of young farmers.
National Youth Policy: A comprehensive National Youth Policy has been formulated and is being coordinated by the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Development, and Vocational Training.
Agriculture and Food Systems Transformation Strategy: This strategy prioritizes the mainstreaming of youth and women in the agricultural sector, recognizing their crucial role in driving sustainable food systems.
“The importance of youth mainstreaming cannot be overstated. Young people are the future of any nation, and empowering them is essential for sustainable development, economic growth, and social progress. By prioritizing youth empowerment, the Government of Zimbabwe is investing in the country’s human capital and creating opportunities for the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers.
“This strategic workshop in Malawi presents an excellent opportunity to share Zimbabwe’s experiences and best practices in youth empowerment, fostering cross-border collaboration and the exchange of ideas. The lessons and insights gained from Zimbabwe’s initiatives can inform and inspire similar efforts in the region, contributing to the holistic development of young people across Southern Africa,” Kajengo said.