Pan-African Parliament Commits to Advancing Women’s and Girls’ Rights and Empowerment

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In line with its resolve to represent the voices of the people towards achieving the Africa we want, the Pan-African Parliament has embarked on a series of consultations that highlight the challenges African women have overcome and continue to face, while also celebrating their achievements and resilience.

On the occasion of Pan African Women’s Day, the Women’s Caucus of the Pan-African Parliament, in collaboration with the National Transition Council of the Republic of Chad, organized a High-Level Roundtable from July 31 to August 1, 2024, in N’Djamena, Republic of Chad, under the African Union’s theme for 2024: “Educating an Africa fit for the 21st century: building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, qualitative, and relevant lifelong learning in Africa.”

The main objective was to celebrate the founding mothers’ achievements in the liberation of Africa while sharing experiences and exploring strategies for building resilient education systems that facilitate increased access to lifelong and quality learning for all, particularly for women and girls who still face challenges in participating in formal education systems.

This dialogue follows last month’s adoption by the Plenary of the Pan-African Parliament of the Legal Framework of the Draft Model Law on Gender Equality and Equity during the recently concluded 3rd Ordinary Session of the Sixth Parliament. This marked a significant step towards bridging gender disparities and ensuring equitable participation in civil, political, economic, social, and cultural spheres.

The N’Djamena consultation was addressed by the President of the Pan-African Parliament, H.E. Chief Fortune Charumbira, who reiterated the Parliament’s commitment to always finding ways to work with different stakeholders to advance women’s causes.

The event also included addresses from Hon.Ali Kolotou Tchaïmi, 1st Vice President of the Chad National Assembly representing the Speaker; Hon. Djidda Amat Mahamat, 4th Vice President of the Pan-African Parliament; Hon. Amina Tidjani Yaya, Chairperson of the Women’s Caucus of the Pan-African Parliament;  and Mrs. Amina Priscille Longoh, Minister for Women and Early Childhood of Chad. Following thorough deliberations, the High-Level Dialogue produced the following recommendations:

1. Regarding the African Union’s legal and policy frameworks for education in the 21st century and the roadmap on the AU’s theme for the year 2024, participants recommended the following:
– Reform the education system by including innovative themes to meet the challenges posed by the development of new technologies;
– Popularize the AU Strategy 2015-2025 on Education;

2. Regarding the evaluation of access, inclusion and quality of education for girls and women in Africa, participants agreed on the following:
– Build literacy and community training centers for illiterate women in rural areas;
– Take measures to enable adolescent girls to continue their education after childbirth;
– Provide girls with hygiene kits and build toilets adapted to their specific needs;

3. Regarding innovations in education and infrastructure, the participants recommend that states:
– Develop and offer curricula that meet local needs through technological support that broadens access and reaches the most remote and lowest geographical areas of the societal stratagem;
– Promote public/private partnerships in school infrastructure development;

The High-level Roundtable Dialogue provided a platform for participants to exchange ideas, build partnerships, and advocate for policy and legislation developments that prioritize increased access to inclusive, lifelong, and quality learning as a key driver of development and gender equality in Africa.