Engagement and re-engagement drive: Speaker Mudenda meets his Belarus and Iranian counterparts

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In the spirit of engagement and re-engagement and in line with the Second Republic’s and the Presidential mantra that “Zimbabwe is a friend to all and enemy to none”, Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of Parliament interfaced with the Iranian Parliamentary delegation led by His Excellency, Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Iran. The two Speakers engaged in candid discussions on wide-ranging issues from the deteriorating political situation in the Middle East to exploring ways of enhancing cooperation between the Parliament of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Parliament of the Republic of Iran.


In his opening remarks, His Excellency, Dr Ghalibaf acknowledged the existing cordial relations between Zimbabwe and Iran, dating back to Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence to which Iran extended much-needed moral support. This relationship has extended to the two Legislatures which has seen the establishment of an active Parliamentary Friendship Association. In this context, the Iranian Speaker reaffirmed the newly inaugurated Parliament’s commitment to strengthening the existing fraternal relations. The Zimbabwe/Iran Friendship Association has since been constituted and stands ready to visit Zimbabwe on an exchange visit, Dr Ghalibaf opined.


In response to the convivial opening remarks, Hon. Speaker Mudenda extended his commiserations on the tragic loss of the President of Iran, His Excellency Ebrahim Raisi, in a helicopter crash in May 2024. Notwithstanding, Speaker Mudenda noted that His Excellency the President, Cde. Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa was represented by Vice President, Hon. K. Mohadi, at the inauguration of the new President as a sign of the enduring bilateral relations between the two sister Republics.


Hon. Speaker Mudenda explained that the two countries share common challenges including the illegal sanctions imposed by the West on both countries. He applauded the stance taken by both countries to collectively fight against the illegal sanctions which are against the dictates of International Law and International Humanitarian Law.


On the economic front, Speaker Mudenda emphasized the need to upscale economic cooperation between the two countries. He noted that there is potential to cooperate in various sectors including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, mining, education, and the fields of science and technology. To this extent, he expressed confidence in the work of the Joint Commission to increase trade and investment between the two sisterly Republics.


Concerning the current political situation in the Middle East, Hon. Speaker Mudenda articulated the hope that Israel would be constrained in its attack against Iran to avoid escalation of the conflict which will have a devastating global impact, particularly economically.


On that score, he applauded the people of the Republic of Iran for standing for peace in the Middle East and advocating for the two-state solution for Palestine and Israel. Furthermore, the Hon. Speaker reiterated Zimbabwe’s support of the Palestinian cause and the two-state solution in line with the United Nations Resolution. Additionally, he assured his counterpart of Zimbabwe’s support of Iran’s position on the international fora.


Turning to the existing Parliamentary relations, Speaker Mudenda informed his counterpart that Zimbabwe has an active Zimbabwe/Iran Friendship Association chaired by Hon. Webster Kotiwani Shamu. The Association has undertaken benchmarking visits to Iran on several occasions to share experiences and share best Parliamentary practices. Accordingly, he called for greater exchanges between the two legislatures to be elevated to bilateral visits by the Presiding Officers. To that extent, the Hon. Speaker extended an invitation to the Speaker of Iran to visit Zimbabwe on mutually convenient dates.


His Excellency, Dr. Ghalibaf, graciously accepted the invitation to visit Zimbabwe. He, however, proposed that his visit should be preceded by the visit to Zimbabwe by members of the Zimbabwe/Iran Friendship Association whose terms of reference would be to explore possible areas of cooperation between the two legislatures. He concurred with Speaker Mudenda on the need to collaborate in the areas of health and education sectors. Furthermore, in sync with Speaker Mudenda’s assertion on the need to cooperate closely to ease the pressure of the illegal and tyrannical sanctions by identifying new methods of doing business such as barter trade, Dr Ghalibaf concurred with the proposition.


The Iranian Speaker expressed his appreciation to the Government and people of Zimbabwe for supporting the people of Palestine and Lebanon. He explained that the current situation has deteriorated to deplorable levels with the killing of the most vulnerable groups in society, women and children, and Palestinians being burnt alive.


He, therefore, called on Parliaments to play an active role in stopping the oppression and atrocities through the use of dialogue to bring about a lasting ceasefire. Relatedly, the Iranian Speaker explained the circumstances leading to the missile attack on Israel which followed Israel’s attack on Iran’s diplomatic premises in Syria which led to the deaths of military personnel. In line with the UN Charter which provides for the right to self-defense, Iran launched attacks on Israel in retaliation. He clearly stated that should there be another form of aggression against Iran’s territorial integrity, Iran is ready to defend itself.


The Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Iran extended gratitude to Zimbabwe for the policy on supporting Iran’s positions on the international fora. To strengthen the relations between the Parliament of the Republic of Iran and the Parliament of Zimbabwe, the Iranian Speaker invited Hon. Speaker Mudenda to undertake a bilateral visit to Iran.


The meeting ended with the exchange of gifts between the two Speakers of Parliament.


The meeting between Hon. Advocate Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda, Speaker of Parliament, and Hon. Sergei Rachkov, Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus


On the sidelines of the ongoing 149th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, Hon. Advocate J.F.N. Mudenda, the Speaker of the Parliament of Zimbabwe, engaged in significant dialogue with Hon. Sergei Rachkov, the Chairman of the Standing Committee on International Affairs of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus as well as the Chairman of the Eurasia Geopolitical Group. This meeting underscored the cordial and fraternal relations that continue to be strengthened between the two sisterly Republics.


Hon. Rachkov commenced the conversation by acknowledging the cordial relations at the Governmental level between Zimbabwe and Belarus. However, he pointed out a noticeable gap in Parliamentary relations which he deemed essential for the further enhancement of bilateral ties. He emphasized that while the Presidents of both countries have engaged in reciprocal visits that have deepened cooperation in various sectors in various sectors of the economy, it is crucial to establish direct links between their respective Parliaments.


To that end, Hon. Rachkov proposed the formation of a friendship association between the two Parliaments. He suggested that this initiative could be incorporated into an existing agreement proposed with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region or developed specifically for the two legislatures. Furthermore, he advocated for exchange visits between the Speakers of both Parliaments, culminating in a formal signing of a cooperation agreement aimed at nurturing deeper collaboration between the two legislatures.


In response, Speaker Mudenda expressed his appreciation for the proposal to establish a Parliamentary Friendship Association, recognizing it as a positive initiative. He encouraged Mr. Rachkov to take the lead by engaging his counterpart, Honourable Shamu who is the Zimbabwean Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade.


Speaker Mudenda committed to formally writing to his Belarusian counterpart to advance this initiative. Additionally, Speaker Mudenda highlighted Belarus’s historical role as an “all-weather friend” to Zimbabwe, particularly in critical areas of support on the international stage and in Zimbabwe’s economy, especially in the agricultural sector. He underscored the necessity of fortifying this cordial friendship through legislative collaboration, noting that Zimbabwe is keen to learn from Belarusian laws that stimulate economic growth which could be adapted as instruments of development within Zimbabwe.


Moreover, Speaker Mudenda expressed gratitude to Belarus for its assistance in modernizing Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector, particularly through the supply of tractors and related farming equipment. He identified potential areas for investment in the mining, medical and in agro-industries, highlighting the criticality of diversifying and strengthening economic ties. To further enhance cooperation, Speaker Mudenda proposed the promotion of academic exchanges aimed at fostering Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) as pivotal instruments for developing knowledge-based economies driven by artificial intelligence. He emphasised that such initiatives could significantly contribute to smart agriculture, e-governance, smart industries, and greater parliamentary collaboration.


Hon. Rachkov acknowledged that the Belarusian Executive had already signed several agreements that require ratification by both legislatures to support economic development in both countries. He also pledged to explore avenues for scholarships for Zimbabwean students on the background of Belarus’s achievements in the education sector.


The meeting concluded with a mutual agreement that the Belarus Parliament would initiate the drafting of a Memorandum of Agreement, which would be subject to review by the Zimbabwean Parliament before its signing in either Zimbabwe or Belarus.


This proactive step is expected to pave the way for enhanced cooperation and dialogue between the two countries, reinforcing their commitment to fostering strong Parliamentary diplomacy and collaborative development efforts. The discussions between Speaker Mudenda and His Excellency Mr. Sergei Rachkov reflect a shared vision for deepening bilateral relations through legislative cooperation, economic collaboration, and mutual support in various issues of international interests.