Anglophone Africa TA effectiveness Reports 2018

The Anglophone Africa CRG – RCCP has developed 6 reports on the effectiveness of technical assistance in Botswana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Swaziland and Tanzania.

The summary report describes some of the key findings, conclusions and recommendations from the assessments. It found that most civil society and community groups found it difficult to access technical assistance. This could be because of the limited number of TA providers in country or due to the limited financial capacity of civil society and community groups. The top 3 areas of technical assistance that ranked as most difficult to obtain TA for were governance, financial management and organizational development.
The civil society and community groups also reported that the TA provided did not help them reach their objectives.

Key challenges highlighted by the survey include: the high costs of running TA is prohibitive to small organizations, too few qualified TA providers,  delays in response to requests, weak coordination among civil society and community groups, lack of transparency in calls for expression of interest, lack of knowledge of the TA providers, inability to access TA in rural areas.

The report recommends that: EANNASO as a regional platform should increase TA resources’ visibility and coordination with other national CS and CG platforms; small and new organizations need to be given capacity so that they grow and become eligible for Global Fund programmes and; TA should focus on key and vulnerable populations which are often marginalized and left out.  In addition, an objective needs assessment, a TA plan should be developed at country level. Efforts should be made to keep the shorten the time between when a request is submitted and fulfilled and minimum standards for technical assistance should be developed to ensure quality.

To read the summary and country reports Click Here.