Apostle Elliot heals USA based boy through online prayers


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By Desire Tshuma

Mabvuku based spiritual healer Apostle Elliot last week prayed for an eighteen-year-old New York-based teenage boy who was suffering from several health conditions and finally heals.

Glory to Glory International Ministries was founded by Apostle Elliot in 2012 in the Mabvuku high-density suburb in Harare.

Since its existence, many people have been healed by the founder and leader Apostle Elliot; a lot of testimonies are recorded daily as the powerful man of God prays for congregants suffering from different ailments.

Recently, a father of an eighteen-year-old boy based in New York who was introduced to Apostle Elliot by a friend who was also healed through prayers, approached the apostle asking him to pray for his son who had severe health problems.

The son had ulcers, severe diabetes, acute liver kidney failure, and also tested COVID-19 positive. There wasn’t any hope for surviving but he received powerful prayers online and got healed.

When this reporter visited Glory to Glory International Ministries church service yesterday, he witnessed a number of testimonies. One lady whose child had a sudden suspected witchcraft attack said her child was in a coma but when they took her in the middle of the night to the apostle she suddenly got healed.

”I grew up in my rural home in Gutu in a family that was practicing traditional rites. I used to drink beer as our cultural norms till the age of 20 years. I was born again in 1999 at the Apostolic Faith Church,” said Apostle Elliot.

”In the year 2002, I repented to ZAOGA  and was elected a deacon. After one year, my spiritual father Apostle Guti called me and advised me to go forward with the word of God and I formed my church and named it Glory to Glory International Ministries till the present,” narrated Apostle Elliot.

Glory to Glory International Ministries is having a four week Sundays preaching service running with a theme ”Thinking The Key to Dominion and Success ” with support from Pastor Chifarimba who is the Guest of Honour.

Meanwhile, the ministry has other social responsibility initiatives where it is catering for the elderly, disabled, and poor members of the community regardless of being members of the congregation or not. It gives food hampers and this initiative began last month and is ongoing with support from Marshal Nyasha Munetsi who is also a member of the church.

Apostle Elliot was born in Mabvuku in 1980 and he grew up in his rural home in Gutu, Masvingo province. He has managed to pray for the barren women and thirty-seven of them now have children .

“I don’t charge any fee for prayers. I just do the work of the almighty God who sent me to pray for people. I cast out evil spirits and all other spiritual problems,” added Apostle Elliot.