The Agricultural and Rural Development Authority is proud to have its subsidiary, ARDA Seeds, that is providing seeds as a critical input to ensure bumper harvests for all farmers countrywide.
Speaking to Spiked Online Media, Jemitius Mukiwa, an ARDA marketing executive said ARDA SEEDS (Pvt) LTD is a registered private company wholly owned subsidiary of Agricultural Rural Development Authority (ARDA).
“Our business is seed production, processing and marketing. The company is a member of the Zimbabwe Seed Trade Association (ZSTA) and African Seed Traders Association (AfriSTA). Our vision is to be the first choice and leading quality seed supplier in the country, region and beyond,” Mukiwa said.
ARDA SEEDS achieved ISO 9001:2008 certification in 2010 and currently working towards the upgraded QMS 9001version
In line with modern quality management systems, ARDA Seeds (Pvt) Ltd is committed to consistently provide world class agricultural seed and services that will meet and exceed customer’s expectations, stakeholders and legal requirements.
Below is its products portfolio:

Zimbabwe needs the staple maize. Due to recurrent droughts, the country has been importing maize to meet the national demand.
This is a multi-cobbing, drought tolerant white hybrid maize. It is medium maturing (130-135 days) and can be grown across all agro-ecological regions. The expected yield is approximately 12 tonnes per hectare or more.

At a demonstration plot in Goromonzi, ARDA subjected the seed type to a variety of extreme conditions as shown below:

Other maize hybrid varieties provided by ARDA
R201 is an early maturing white dent variety, suitable for dry hot areas (Natural Regions 3, 4 and 5) and can yield up to 8 tonnes per hectare.
ZS263 is an exceptional Drought Tolerant early maturing variety which takes 120 – 125 days. It is suitable for low to medium potential areas, though it can be grown as a late crop in high potential areas. It’s expected yield is 10 tonnes per hectare.
ARDA Seeds also has a variety of soya been seeds.
Bimha – is a determinate broad leafed variety. It has acceptable resistance Rust. The seed kernels are large and yellow with yellow hilum. This soya bean variety yields up to 4.5 tonnes per hectare.
Mhofu – This soya bean variety yields up to 4 tonnes per hectare.
ARDA Seeds also produces good quality, high-yielding cowpeas seeds as shown in the picture below:

The CBC1 and CBC 2 varieties of cowpeas are early maturing varieties and most suitable for regions 3, 4 and 5. These are determinate varieties with an upright growth habit. They yield up to 1.5 tonnes per hectare.
ARDA Seeds produces the Macias Sorghum Seed variety that is a white grained OPV variety. It is drought tolerant, medium maturing and very short stature with good disease tolerance. It can yield up to 3,5 tonnes per hectare.