He is soft-spoken and an easy-going character that one can mistake him for an ordinary person but Bishop Rocky Moyo is a Man of God with a philanthropic heart and a zeal for development.
Born on 27 June 1980, Bishop Moyo did his primary education at Sizanani Primary School in Bulawayo. He then went to Entumbane High School for his Ordinary levels before proceeding to Mpopoma High School for his Advanced Level Studies. He is married to Amanda and they have three children together.
He studied business administration at Bulawayo Polytechnic and Speciss College before he proceeded to Perth University in Australia where he graduated with a degree in business studies in 2004.
Armed with this qualification, Bishop Moyo started his own business in 2005 in Victoria Falls. He migrated to South Africa in 2007 and later went to Zambia the following year where he started Flick Environmental Services (Private) Limited which traded as Flick Pest Control. His business partner was Peter Malvern Winspear. The mentor was Brian Davies of BW Davies (Private) Limited and Pest Kill (Private) Limited.
Among the reputable companies he worked for include Africa Sun Hotels and Sun International Hotels and Protea Hotels in Africa. He used to supply chemicals, catering equipment and insecticides as well as offering fumigations professional pest control, cleaning services. He also owns his restaurants around Zimbabwe in places like Victoria Falls and Harare.
Whilst he grew up like any other people of his age, he had a calling from God during the early stages of his life. Bishop Moyo was born into a Christian family. His father was the Archbishop of Full Witness Apostolic Church whose presence is in five countries in Southern Africa.
When he was only nine years old, Bishop Moyo was given dreams and could prophesy. He grew up with that gift. In going to school, college and university, he suppressed that gift but the spirit of God was always with him.

In 2010, Bishop Moyo met Archbishop Johanes Ndanga the founder of Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe (ACCZ) in Harare when he was registering his church under that institution.
In 2011, Bishop Moyo was invited to ACCZ administration through the Chief Registrar Taurai Mbewe where he was appointed as the Matebeleland North Provincial Coordinator who was responsible for coordinating and running all churches in that province under the ACCZ banner.
Later that year, he managed to set up the ACCZ administration in Matebeleland North. During that time he was still a Director of his companies mentioned above.
Archbishop Ndanga finally launched the ACCZ Matebeleland North Provincial branch in 2013.
In February 2015, Bishop Moyo was invited by President Robert Mugabe for his birthday in Victoria Falls and blessed the event as minister of religion. In December 2015, he was called to pray for the successful holding of the Zanu (PF) congress.

Bishop Moyo finally relocated to Harare after he was appointed as the Chief Executive officer of the ACCZ Business Investments and Projects Unit in 2016. That was after the ACCZ had experienced some financial mismanagement and was experiencing a crisis in the allocation of housing stands.
He spent the whole of 2016 trying to put things in order. With his tough stance against corruption, all those who embezzled funds left their offices and Bishop Moyo and Archbishop Ndanga and other new staff members started re-branding the ACCZ.
Bishop Moyo has helped the communities in many ways. In Victoria Falls, he started chicken rearing projects with women. He also established a football club and trained martial arts.