Brian Rinashe Dominates Airwaves


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By Desire Tshuma 

Official Music kingpin Brian Rinashe has recently been a talk in the streets and ghetto of Harare as his music has gone viral on all local radio stations.

A new crop of artists is emerging every season. In the past, the music industry was not as competitive as nowadays. Generations are changing with time and with the modern technology, the new systems that have been invented by the new technology has made it easy for the new artists to catch up with the music legends like the late Leonard Dembo, John Chibadura, and the living music heroes like Alick Macheso, Jah Phrazhah just to mention a few.

”I started music at a tender age. I always loved music and it’s my passion. My late father was a musician. I got inspiration from him and I am very grateful for the inheritance that he left for me because music has shaped my lifestyle. It is my income-generating project whereby I feed my family through it,” said Brian Rinzy – his stage name. He has recorded 180 songs since 2015 when he started his music career.

His first song ”Kana Ndaenda ” was produced by Boi Fresh in 2016 which he performed at Long Chen Plaza at an event for the Zimbabwe Radio Awards (ZIRA)  which he came second.

Other songs that he has composed are ”Mars on the Beat ” which was produced by Complex Music and DKD, Wine Up, and Mambokesari. 

”As an upcoming artist, I have some serious challenges which need financial support for the production of videos, buying instruments, meeting transport costs, establishing a recording studio and paying a promoter. I ask for assistance from the interested individuals or corporates to come aboard so that I can fulfil my endeavours,” Brian said.

Brian grew up in Masvingo. He did his Primary and Secondary Education at Inyati Mine and finished his Advanced level at Churchill High School. He went further to Harare Polytechnic College where he did Marketing and Sound Engineering. His songs are found in different social media account that includes Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud, Apple Music, and Facebook.