Sifundo Chief Moyo outlines solid vision as he vies for PAPU Secretary-General post

Mr. Sifundo Chief Moyo has outlined a solid vision in his bid to become the Secretary-General of the Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) by pledging to steer the continental organisation in the right direction in line with the attainment of Vision 2030. He made the remarks ahead of the Ordinary Session of the Pan African…

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DPA partners Econet Wireless to reduce carbon footprint, drive sustainability

Distributed Power Africa (DPA), the continent’s leading renewable energy solutions company, says it is targeting to reduce Econet Wireless Zimbabwe’s diesel consumption by 80% through the use of solar batteries. Several businesses in Africa have been relying on fossil fuels to sustain their operations due to erratic power suppliers. However, environmental and sustainability concerns, along…

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UNDP and Masawara Holdings partnering to reduce youth unemployment

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is partnering with Masawara and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) to provide recent university graduates with work experience and full-time employment through its new Class – 2 – Career job placement programme. Class-2-Career (C2C) is an 8-month career development programme targeting young, talented Zimbabwean nationals under the age of 27 who…

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Begin your SUV life with the all-new Kia Sonet

Kia Motors Zimbabwe, the only certified Kia dealership in the country is thrilled to introduce the Kia Sonet onto Zimbabwean roads, especially with the growing B-SUV trend. Following extensive market input, especially relating to its design, engine, and transmission tuning, and characteristics, and suspension attributes, the Sonet was designed to offer customers a car that…

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Croco Commercial working alongside farmers to provide relevant solutions to Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector

The agricultural sector is the backbone of many economies in Southern Africa and Zimbabwe is no exception. A look back at Zimbabwe’s agricultural industry over the years shows the important role played by this sector in contributing to the economic development of the country. Croco Commercial which is a subsidiary of Croco Motors is accessible…

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Econet’s new 4G MIFI ‘KaMbudzi’ phone set to boost mobile Internet penetration in Zim

Econet Wireless, Zimbabwe’s largest mobile network operator, last week unveiled an affordable 4G enabled smartphone that is set to increase mobile internet adoption across the country. The new 4G MIFI Kambudzi, which runs on the KaiOS operating system, can be used across all networks and is designed to allow subscribers to connect at faster speeds….

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Zimbabwe wants and deserves a robust opposition

Crisis Coalition concerned by government’s clampdown on livelihoods

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition has noted with great concern, the continued clampdown on livelihoods by the government. Since June 7, 2021, the government has roped in the security services as part of an operation to destroy structures built by informal traders who are seeking to eke a living in a ‘failed economy.’ The operation has…

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Disability, Labour Migration Policies Vehicles For Inclusive Growth and Development

During the launch of the National Disability Policy and the National Labour Migration Policy in Harare yesterday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said the documents are a vehicle for inclusive growth and development that his administration embarked on in order to attain the Vison 2030 of making Zimbabwe an upper-middle-income economy. The launch of these two policies…

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ARC, Centre for Disaster Protection seal collaborative deal to improve disaster risk management systems

The African Risk Capacity (ARC) Group and the Centre for Disaster Protection have entered into a partnership agreement to mutually promote technical collaboration on capacity building, research, and advocacy through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) jointly signed by the chief executives of both institutions. Under the MoU, the parties will explore opportunities and leverage their…

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Government to launch the National Labour Migration Policy for Zimbabwe with IOM support

The Government of Zimbabwe, through the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare will today launch the National Labour Migration Policy (NLMP). The policy is a product of the joint effort of the government and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with technical support from the International Labour Organization (ILO). It is aimed at…

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Sweet Valley Club advancing youth empowerment

By Clemence Muchedzi Sweet Valley Club, an organization that advocates for the protection, enhancement, and empowerment of youth through developing leadership skills and awareness of social responsibilities has called for collective effort among youths to champion national development. Founder of the organization, Abel Tafadzwa Musanhu said their desire is a future whereby every youth is…

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ZESN Long-Term Observer Report on Monitoring Responses to COVID-19

By Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) INTRODUCTION During the month of May, a new variant of COVID-19, the Indian Variant B.1.617, was detected in Kwekwe. Subsequent to this, the government imposed a two-week lockdown covering the entire district: the City of Kwekwe, Redcliff town, and the surrounding farming areas in Kwekwe Rural District Council. Measures…

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African countries should start investing in their substitute commodities

By Charles Dhewa While the profile of indigenous food has been rising over the past few years across Africa, policymakers are yet to direct policies and public spending to the majority of indigenous commodities. A lot of support continues to be directed at exotic commodities that are being threatened more by a changing climate. Sweet…

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IFC, Zimbabwe Partner to Expand Air Access to Victoria Falls, Supporting Tourism Competitiveness, Revenues and Jobs

A partnership announced today between the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Government of Zimbabwe will support recovery and jobs in Zimbabwe’s tourism sector by helping increase air access to Victoria Falls, one of Africa’s premier tourist destinations.   Under the partnership, IFC will help Zimbabwe and the private sector to attract more airlines and…

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Nyaradzo Group spotlights celebrity Madam Boss as she shows off Sahwira wear

By Nyaradzo Group Madam Boss: She depicts boldness and confidence Sahwira Wear is the new kid on the block, engaging all people from different walks of life. Clients, friends, and family continue to showcase how they can accessorise and bring out life through Sahwira Wear. It depicts boldness, confidence, and loyalty thus giving emphasis to…

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Africa Climate Resilience Investment Summit focuses on green recovery

The Fifth Africa Climate Resilient Investment Summit ACRIS V under the theme “Embedding and financing climate resilience for Africa’s green recovery” will be held virtually on 16th – 17th June 2021. The two-day program will deal with investments for climate resilience. The panel discussions will deal with cross-border energy, resilience, nature-based solutions, smart agriculture, innovative…

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Cimas Medlabs passes Africa CDC testing audit with highest rating

Cimas Medical Laboratories (Medlabs) Covid-19 Laboratory Testing has been certified and awarded five stars, the highest possible rating, by the Africa Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), resulting in its being included on the Africa CDC’s Trusted Travel Platform. The platform has been established by the Africa Centres for Disease Control (CDC) to harmonise Covid-19 certification…

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Artists empowered through digital skills up-scaling by Vuka Afrika

Performing arts organisations are benefitting from a digital skills up-scaling program that is being rolled out by Vuka Afrika with funding from Culture Fund (CF) and is supported by the European Union (EU). Instigated as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, the program is part of the creative actions project. The Mash West leg…

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ECA considers setting up Agro-industrial Park for Zambia and Zimbabwe

The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA’s) is mooting the establishment of an agro-industrial park (AIP) for Zambia and Zimbabwe. This emerged during the ECA Sub-Regional Office for Southern Africa’s virtual validation session for a study assessing the feasibility of establishing and managing a common Agro-Industrial Park (AIP) between the two countries held on Monday. An…

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IOM and FCDO assisting Government to support Informal Cross-Border Traders to do business safely

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is this week conducting a visit to Chirundu and part of the Supporting Informal Cross-border Traders in Southern Africa to do Business Safely during the COVID-19 Pandemic project. Informal Cross Border Trade which accounts for up to 40% of total intra-SADC trade, with an estimated value of US$17.6 billion…

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Increased Investment in Zimbabwe’s Tertiary Education Essential to Economic Growth, Human Capital Development

Extensive reforms are required to translate the government’s education vision into a concrete set of programs and projects to accelerate economic recovery and reduce socioeconomic disparities, the Zimbabwe Higher and Tertiary Education Sector Analysis Report found. Developed by the World Bank and the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Department (MHTEISTD),…

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HRT concerned by Acting Mayor’s appeal on garbage collection and the beautification of the City

By Harare Residents Trust (HRT) The appeal by the Acting Mayor, Councillor Stewart Mutizwa has been received with mixed reactions by residents of Harare who feel that his appeal lacked sincerity and practical application. The City of Harare has to institutionalise accountability and be transparent in everything it does. Those who criticize the appeal argue…

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CICs positioning ICTs to promote an inclusive, digital-enabled society

Community Information Centres (CICs)  are helping to overcome the age, income and gender divide in pursuit of promoting an inclusive society, Dr Jenfan Muswere, the Minister of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services has said. He made the remarks at the official opening of the Brunapeg CIC in Matebeleland South Province yesterday. Throughout…

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WHO validates Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use and issues interim policy recommendations

World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday 1 June 2021 validated the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use, giving countries, funders, procuring agencies and communities the assurance that it meets international standards for safety, efficacy and manufacturing. The vaccine is produced by the Beijing-based pharmaceutical company Sinovac. “The world desperately needs multiple COVID-19 vaccines to address…

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Who Gets What, When and How?: Understanding the Politics of Public Resource Management in Zimbabwe

By Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development In the 1930s, an American political scientist by the name Harold Lasswell defined politics as a competition about who gets what, when, and how. For Lasswell the core of politics in developed democratic nations “rivets around the money – around the rate of taxation and utilization of collected…

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ITC launches a new monthly series on the Global State of Trade

The International Trade Centre (ITC) launched a new monthly series on the Global State of Trade, bringing together the most recent ITC data and research to highlight variations in exports and market access conditions across countries, regions, and sectors. Leveraging ITC’s trade and market access databases and in-house analytical capacities, the monthly briefs aim to support…

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ZIMCODD welcomes Statutory Instrument 127 of 2021, warns against over-regulation of market forces

The Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) has welcomed Statutory Instrument 127 of 2021, Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) Financial Laws Amendment Regulation 2021. On the 27th of May 2021, the government of Zimbabwe published Statutory Instrument 127 of 2021 (SI 127 of 2021) which sets out the offences (referred to as civil infringements) and…

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Digital transformation at the core of boosting the economy and improving services in Zimbabwe

The Zimbabwe Digital Economy Diagnostic , a new report developed by the World Bank, finds that its digital financial services are the strongest foundation for the further development of the digital economy in the country. Among Zimbabwe’s key strengths is the widely used digital payment system, through which 96 percent of all transactions in the country…

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IOM and USAID in field visit to Chimanimani project sites

Officials representing the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Chimanimani district authorities, and representatives of internally displaced persons (IDPs) recently conducted a field visit to Chimanimani to assess project activities under the Enhancing Multi-Sectoral Assistance to Cyclone Idai Affected Populations in Zimbabwe project.  …

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YETIN dishes out empowerment projects for artists

By Chimeno Azriel A newly registered trust, the Youth Empowerment Through Innovation ( YETIN) is set to help and uplift upcoming and seasoned artists through various projects. The Trust under the directorship of Gugulethu Moyo, seeks to inspire and help youthful artists to grow. Speaking during the interview with this publication, Gugulethu spoke of her…

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US Resumes Virtual Post Reconstruction Trade Mission to Mozambique and Zimbabwe

On Monday, Ambassador Brian A. Nichols officially opened the Virtual Post Reconstruction Trade Mission to Mozambique and Zimbabwe. This was the first official U.S. government trade mission to Zimbabwe. He paid tribute to many talented people and many businesses that can succeed working in Zimbabwe. The Ambassador said Zimbabwe is a country with incredible untapped potential: …

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African Publishing Innovation Fund to Improve Access to Education, Books, and Literacy Skills for 11 Million Young Africans

The African Publishing Innovation Fund (APIF) – a grant program co-led by the UAE-based global philanthropic organization Dubai Cares and implemented by the International Publishers Association (IPA) – has chosen five projects across Africa to receive $170,000 in funding in 2021. The APIF Committee, chaired by IPA President Bodour Al Qasimi selected the winners from…

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Bridging the digital gap: why we should never give up on universal broadband connectivity

By Leo Chen, President of Huawei Southern Africa Region   Over the past year or so, digital transformation accelerated at an unprecedented rate in societies around the world. Whether we were working, learning, or staying in touch with friends and family, online becoming more critical than ever. Even as vast numbers of people were adapting to…

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