How agricultural markets are largely misunderstood

By Charles Dhewa When policy makers, development agencies, the private sector and ordinary people talk about agricultural markets, they rarely talk about consumer power. There is often too much emphasis on producers, financing, cold chain, transportation, value addition and processing, yet all these are meaningless if efforts are not devoted to understanding the consumer base. Farmers and…

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48 Hour Film Project Competition: HUAWEI recognises and rewards young, aspiring filmmakers

The high quality of cameras on smartphones these days mean that you no longer need a professional camera in order to create a masterpiece video.  This was proven at the 2020, 48 Hour Film Project competition, held in Durban, where 50 aspiring filmmakers were tasked with creating a short film over a weekend. The competing…

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The Amazing Ways You Can Combine AI, 5G, And Machine Vision To Transform Fish Farming

By Bernard Marr  We certainly have a global food challenge that is exacerbated by environmental concerns. But could new technology such as artificial intelligence, machine vision, and 5G networks help us find a solution? Norwegian salmon farming company Cermaq has launched its first-of-its-kind iFarm project. This five-year experiment will run until 2025 with tech partners BioSort and…

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Wide Econet data network keeps businesses, communities going under lockdown

The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent national lockdowns have underlined the importance of reliable data services in keeping people, communities, businesses and the nation at large connected, and in ensuring essential commercial and public services continue unhindered. Authorities have had to impose lockdowns to arrest the spread of the deadly coronavirus, with recorded cumulative cases…

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Rural women fighting inequalities by embarking on empowerment projects

By Joyce Mukucha In spite of the evolving world with some women beginning to experience equality in different circles of life, in other parts of societies around the globe, other women are still deprived of the privilege of equal participation particularly on the African continent and rural Zimbabwe is not being spared. Many of the…

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AfDB, AFAWA, AGF partner to unlock $1.3 – $2 billion in loans to women entrepreneurs

The African Development Bank’s ( Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) program has agreed a partnership with the African Guarantee Fund (AGF) to unlock $1.3 to 2 billion in loans to women-owned Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Africa, by working with financial institutions to enhance their ability to lend to women….

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Clean mining gains foothold in Mozambique

By Grace Goodrich In addition to sizable gas reserves found offshore, Mozambique is home to commercially significant deposits of coal, gold, graphite, ilmenite, iron ore, titanium, copper, tantalum and bauxite, to name a few. While COVID-19 may have disrupted mining operations in terms of site closures and reduced export earnings, demand for precious minerals and…

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Radio remains a conduit for critical information dissemination: ZACRAS

The Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS) has reiterated the important role played by the radio as a critical conduit for information dissemination on various issues including the COVID-19 pandemic. The statement comes as the World celebrates the 10th edition of World Radio Day today, with the Government of Zimbabwe having recently licensed the…

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Government to Enhance University of Zimbabwe’s Agricultural Production Capacity

As Government is aiming to acquire 3 000 tractors this year from the John Deere and Belarus schemes to meet the country’s requirement of between 12 000 and 15 000 units to produce more yields, it has considered expanding and enhancing the farming capacity at the University of Zimbabwe. The Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries,…

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Canon’s Miraisha Programme Enables Young African Story Tellers to Achieve Their Dreams

Students from the Mathare community in Kenya are set to receive a film or photography scholarship from Canon Central and North Africa (CCNA) [] as part of a social media campaign raising awareness to the importance of skills development among young people. The project is part of Canon’s Miraisha Programme, an initiative focused on delivering…

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Government Targeting 2 million Metric Tonnes of Maize

Following the millions of hectares that were repossessed by the black majority during the land reform programme, the Government has assured the nation that there will be sufficient maize through the food self sufficiency programmes. The Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement, Dr. Anxious Masuka said this year, the nation will have…

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FAO Commemorates World Pulses Day

By Joyce Mukucha The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Liaison Office with the United Nations (UN) in New York in collaboration with Emerging Ag Inc, governments, non-governmental organizations, and all other relevant stakeholders yesterday held a virtual event to celebrate World Pulses Day. The event which was aimed at raising awareness and recognising the contribution…

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Council offside on demolitions of tuckshop

Combined Harare Residents Association The Combined Harare Residents Association condemns the intention by Harare City Council to demolish tuck-shops at a time when the Zimbabwean economy is in dire straits and heavily informalized due to lack of employment. The proposed demolitions are a clear war against livelihoods and aiming at further impoverishing the already suffering…

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It’s time to ‘Level Up’ with HUAWEI Mobile Services!

Throughout the month of February, discounts, coupons, and free subscriptions are up for grabs for users who own a Huawei device and have a HUAWEI ID. You can enjoy a wealth of HUAWEI Mobile Services benefits with just one click. These spectacular deals are available across five of Huawei’s applications, including the following: HUAWEI Themes: Get…

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Build Privacy focused Consumer Applications: @protocol Appathon urges young Zimbabweans

US-based The @ Company (The At Company) is bringing the @protocol Appathon II to Zimbabwe, targeting young developers and technology enthusiasts. The challenge: to build innovative consumer applications on @protocol, an open, permission-based protocol that makes great user experience and automatic privacy compliance easy. This initiative, being run in association with the Computer Association of…

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Southern Amazon Region on the Verge of Deforestation Crisis

By Joyce Mukucha The world’s biodiversity is under threat with the southern Amazon region experiencing excessive deforestation which has converted swaths of land from rainforest to farmland, reports, and studies revealed. According to Eduardo Maeda and colleagues from the University of Helsinki, areas of commodity farming are experiencing a much higher increase in temperature, in…

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UNITLIFE and Ecobank Foundation works to prevent chronic malnutrition amongst children in Africa

UNITLIFE, the United Nations initiative dedicated to fighting chronic malnutrition through innovation, and the Ecobank Group’s Foundation ( – the pan-African banking group with operations in 33 countries across the continent-announce the launch of the “Make the Connection” campaign, which aims to raise awareness and funds to prevent chronic malnutrition in Africa. 144 million children…

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COVID-19 relief: Sekuru Banda opens businesses for Kapfupi and other musicians

Famous traditional healer, Sekuru Banda has come to the rescue of comedian Kapfupi and other musicians struggling under the COVID-19-induced hardships by opening grocery shops and starting income generating projects for them. The initiative is part of Sekuru Banda’s extension of an olive branch to musicians who have gone for more than a year without…

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AfDB assists West African countries to deliver carbon emission reductions and meet their Paris Agreement commitments

The African Development Bank ( has extended financial support to a project that will strengthen the efforts of West African countries to meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) targets under the Paris climate accord. The Bank will underwrite the preparation of concept notes exploring the use of internationally transferable mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) in selected West…

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Retailers Declare Full-Fledged War Against Covid-19

By Staff Reporter Following increased daily Covid-19 infections and the Government’s recent invitation for business entities and the private sector to venture in and assist in the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines, the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has called upon businesses to commit and save the nation through donations. In a statement released on Monday,…

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Econet unveils AI-powered Chatbot ‘Yamurai’ to enhance customer experience

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has launched a customer service enhancing Chatbot named Yamurai, to empower its customers and improve their customer experience. Econet said the Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven Chatbot will give customers an additional digital customer support channel as the company steps up efforts to optimize efficiencies and manage the surge in caller-based customer queries amid…

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Women In Agriculture Union donates fertilizer to 1000 female beneficiaries

By Desire Tshuma  On Friday 5 February 2021, Women In Agriculture Union donated organic fertilizers to 1000 beneficiaries in Harare so as to promote and boost yields in diverse farming businesses. Speaking to Spiked Online Media, the founder, chairperson, and national coordinator for Women In Agriculture Union (WAU), Miss Olga Nhari said as a union…

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ZimRights application to compel the government to provide national deployment vaccination plan not urgent: High Court

By Kumbirai Mafunda The High Court has removed an urgent chamber application filed by Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) seeking to compel the government to provide a National Deployment Vaccination Plan and present a budget for the purchase of coronavirus vaccines before Parliament after ruling that it is not an urgent matter. Through its lawyer…

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Angola’s ANPG Clarifies Environmental Impact of Upcoming Onshore Licensing Round

Due to some inaccurate interpretations disseminated in national and international media and also on social media about the work to be carried out in the Angolan interior basins, particularly in the Etosha/Okavango Basin, the Angolan Agency for Oil, Gas and Biofuels, clari­fies the following: 1. In compliance with the guidelines established by the Angolan Government…

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FRIDA rooting for the success of feminist movements

By Joyce Mukucha Over the past decade, the young feminist-led organisations have garnered a reputation as outspoken, courageous, and creative movement-builders, pushing transformative change and social justice around the world. As the Young Feminist Fund (FRIDA) celebrates 10 years of resourcing young feminist organizing with core flexible, sustainable funds and opens a new decade and…

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TDB Transforming Women’ Lives Through Business

By Joyce Mukucha Behind Today’s Businesswomen Development (TBD) is a dedicated, hardworking and inspiring lady who is committed to changing fellow women lives She is the organisation’s leader, founder and Chief Executive Ofiicer. Uzillah Munyengeterwa-Hove is a certified motivational speaker, author and entrepreneur driven by passion to see every woman excelling in business and personal…

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The Amazing Ways Wild Me Uses AI And Citizen Scientists To Help With Conservation

Bernard Marr Did you know that scientists have identified only 1.5 million species out of the 10 million estimated on Earth? And many of those species are vulnerable to extinction. Thanks to the efforts of the non-profit organization Wild Me, the gargantuan task of wildlife preservation is getting a much-needed assist from citizen scientists who photograph…

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How health aid can reach the world’s poorest people

Cordelia Kenney, Kaci Kennedy McDade, Wenhui Mao, and Osondu Ogbuoji Disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic could reverse progress in global poverty reduction and in global health improvements among poor people. The links between health and poverty are clear: Poverty limits people’s ability to access medical care, safe living environments, and sufficient nutrition, the absence of which can have disastrous consequences. Conversely, good…

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High Court Orders Government to Disseminate Comprehensive Information on Covid-19

By Veritas High Court judge Justice Mary Dube has ordered the Ministers of Health and Child Care and of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services to disseminate widely “comprehensive and adequate information” on both private and public testing, isolation and treatment of COVID-19. This follows an urgent application filed by the trustees of MISA Zimbabwe, represented…

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The UN working to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM)

By Joyce Mukucha On 6 February 2021, the United Nations (UN) through its agencies, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) joined the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The UN has noted with concern that many countries are experiencing…

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Strive Masiyiwa Buys Back Mascom Botswana For USD$300 Million

Lead entrepreneurial revolution and create wealth – Masiyiwa urges young Africans

Pan-African businessman Strive Masiyiwa has called on young African entrepreneurs – that he has called ‘digital, liberated young entrepreneurs’ – to lead a wealth-creation, entrepreneurial revolution on the continent. Masiyiwa writes: I remember a time when the richest man in the world was always an old man; a very old man. Before Bill Gates, the…

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African Union Chairperson and FIFA President discuss ongoing strong collaboration

Thursday, during a call that preceded the 34th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU), AU Chairperson H.E. Cyril Ramaphosa and FIFA ( President Gianni Infantino spoke of the positive momentum generated between both organisations in the past two years as well as the strong…

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