Strive Masiyiwa Buys Back Mascom Botswana For USD$300 Million

Econet remembers the day it was licensed, donates day’s revenues to charities

Econet Wireless Zimbabwe on 31 December 2020, in retrospect, celebrated the day it was licensed to operate a mobile network in Zimbabwe. In a communication to all staff entitled ‘A Day of Thanksgiving For Us’, Econet Group Chairman Strive Masiyiwa wrote: Today the 31st of December 2020, marks 22 years since the Supreme Court of…

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Senator Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation named among Most Influential African Women in the world

Senator Dr. Rasha Kelej, is truly a force of nature and one of Africa’s unsung ‘sheroes’ of women’s empowerment and health advocates. Here at the NAW, we will be right behind this inspirational woman, all the way; SENATE APPOINTMENT in December 2020: Dr Rasha Kelej appointed as a Senator, member of the Egyptian Senate (2020-2025)…

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Bill Gates’s Foundation Is Leading a Green Counterrevolution in Africa

By Jan Urhahn Translation by Loren Balhorn The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation promised Africa a “Green Revolution” to fight hunger and poverty. It hasn’t worked — but it has upped corporate agriculture’s profits. Local farmers are being left empty-handed, and hunger is rising. Over the last five years, the number of people around the world…

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Tourism Back to 1990 Levels as Arrivals Fall by More than 70%

International arrivals fell by 72% over the first ten months of 2020, with restrictions on travel, low consumer confidence, and a global struggle to contain the COVID-19 virus, all contributing to the worst year on record in the history of tourism. According to the latest tourism data from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), destinations welcomed 900 million…

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WTO members endorse package to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

WTO working group agrees to address critical constraints hindering smaller firms from engaging in global trade by ITC News Members of the World Trade Organization’s Informal Working Group on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (WTO IWG on MSMEs) have released a package of Recommendations and Declarations to support MSMEs to strengthen their engagement in international trade. The…

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Knowledge inclusion is the most important of all forms of inclusion

By Charles Dhewa Digital inclusion, financial inclusion, gender inclusion and several other forms of inclusion have received too much attention over the past few years including 2020. What has been ignored is the mother of all inclusions – knowledge inclusion. All forms of inclusion are meaningless when knowledge existing within ordinary people and communities is…

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The strategic thinking approach will develop our nation: President Mnangagwa urged

By Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo During former President Robert Mugabe’s era, one would easily recite cabinet Ministers without reading from any script. Alas today, one can only remember maybe less than five Ministers unless one visits their offices. What is the problem? The presidency is not a common position in society, and it must never be…

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ZiCHIRe’s Brotha2Brotha SRHR programme opening sports opportunities for youths

Prince Edward High School Football Academy’s soccer star Antonio Bill (18) dedicates his successful football career to the Zimbabwe Community Health Intervention Research (ZiCHIRe)’s Brotha2Brotha sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) programmes. In an interview with Spiked Online Media during a soccer tournament held at the Dzivarasekwa Stadium in Harare on 24 December 2020, Bill said…

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The Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative on the cards

The Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI), in conjunction with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the International Budget Partnership (IBP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), has announced the launching of the Inclusive Budgeting and Financing for Climate Change in Africa (IBFCCA) programme, a SIDA-funded initiative, the Centurion has revealed. This…

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NetOne Joins Other Organisations in Assisting Cyclone IDAI Victims

NetOne parts ways with suspended CEO Lazarus Muchenje

NetOne CEO Lazarus Muchenje’s turbulent tenure ended following the immediate termination of his employment contract by the NetOne Board of Directors, which this publication can reveal. The basis of termination appears to be what Muchenje has been clamouring for at the High Court. Since his appointment to NetOne as the Chief Executive Officer, in April 2018…

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WFP urgently seeks funds to support millions of Zimbabweans facing hunger season

With millions of Zimbabweans devastated by a year of drought, rising hyperinflation and COVID-19, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) on 17 December 2020 appealed for an additional US$204 million to support over four million of the most food-insecure over the next six months. The appeal comes ahead of the ‘lean’ season, which risks…

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Market failure continues to hamper the evolution of strong farmer economies

By Charles Dhewa In spite of efforts to improve market linkages and direct income to farmers, most African markets continue to be constrained by a disorganized supply of commodities. While the main problem with formal markets like supermarkets is taking fewer volumes and paying farmers peanuts after a long time, for open markets a major…

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ZB Urges Zimbabweans to Remain Cautious of Covid-19

One of the financial institutions that have been actively participting in Covid-19 prevention programmes, ZB Financial Holdings(ZBFH) has urged the nation to remain watchful and observant of Covid-19 regulatory measures to consolidate the gains made so far, in the prevention of the pandemic. The call comes at a time when Zimbabwe has recorded 95 new…

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Zero budget, bumper crop – all thanks to natural farming

By K Rathna (Express News Service) MYSURU: 50-year-old farmer in a village in Karnataka has shown, like Japanese farmer Masanobu Fukuoka before him, that from “nothingness” can emerge beautiful forests and farms. Krishnappa Dasappa Gowda’s  farm in Bannur village, T Narasipur taluk, looks less like a typical agricultural field, and more like a forest in all…

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Citizen engagement leads to improved service delivery in local authorities

Professor Innocent Chirisa, an urban planner of note from the University of Zimbabwe has said citizen engagement is an important ingredient for improved service delivery in local authorities. He was speaking at a workshop organised by the Harare Residents Trust that saw stakeholders drawn from local authorities, the Parliament and residents converging to discuss ways…

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Renowned academic Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo publishes a book

Harare based Policy Researcher and Zimbabwe Institute of Strategic Thinking Country Director Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo has published a book, “Try New Spanners” set to make significant inroads in the market with personal life-touching experiences that relate to our own situation as a nation. The book points out many areas that commonly affect society’s psychological and…

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Digitization in sync with government’s economic blueprint: Minister Muswere

The National Development Strategy (NDS1) with its emphasis on the Digital Economy as one of the fourteen national priorities for the period 2021–2025 is in sync with driving economic growth, Dr. Jenfan Muswere, the Minister of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services has said. He made the remarks at the official launch of…

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Embassy of Sweden In Zimbabwe supporting COVID-19 response measures for migrants

Since March 2020 over 40 000 Zimbabweans have returned to the country following strict measures to curb the spread of COVID-19. Migrants are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 and it is for this reason that the International Organization for Migration (IOM) with funding support from the Embassy of Sweden has continued to support the government in strengthening…

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Small-Scale Farmers Bemoan Adverse Climate Change Effects

By Joyce Mukucha Climate change is one of the 21st century human catastrophes with its impacts being felt globally and Zimbabwe has not been spared. These impacts range from increased rainfall variability, prolonged dry spells, heat waves, as well as increased occurrence of extreme weather events such as drought and flooding. The small-scale farmers in…

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Freddy Masirirevu educates fellow men on ending GBV

A young lawyer, Freddy Masirirevu has joined the initiative to educate other fellow men to fight gender-based violence (GBV). Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating  16 days of activism against gender-based violence. On Friday the young lawyer mobilised scores of young people to denounce those who use their political muscles to abuse women….

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ZACRAS Commends BAZ for Licensing First Community Radio Stations

The Zimbabwe Association of Community Radio Stations (ZACRAS) has applauded the historic step taken by the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) to license the first three community radio stations in post-Independence Zimbabwe. ZACRAS pointed out that it is the organisation’s fervent hope that the licensed radio stations on campuses will holistically contribute to the development…

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CFI adds ‘Sasai Watch’ feature to super App’s growing list of services

Cassava Fintech International (CFI) has added the Sasai Watch feature to the Sasai all-in-one App, in a move that is set to bring artists, entrepreneurs and other African content creators much closer to their audience. Introducing the new feature, CFI said Sasai Watch will provide a platform for Africans and the global community to create…

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High Court of Zimbabwe orders Chitungwiza Municipality to upgrade its water treatment plants and sewer systems

High Court of Zimbabwe Justice Mangota on Thursday 17 December 2020 granted an order in an application filed by Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association as an Applicant for public interest purposes. The order interdicts Chitungwiza Municipality from releasing sewer into water bodies, watercourses, streams, tributaries, or any part of the environment. Further, the Municipality was compelled to,…

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In absence of tourists, Victoria Falls residents come together to explore their own city

December is usually one of the busiest periods for Zimbabwe’s tourism hub of Victoria Falls, with typical hotel occupancies of around 90%. This year, following the downturn in tourism as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism community has been hard hit. Businesses, livelihoods, and local communities have all been impacted. In an extraordinary…

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Fund ZEC since elections are non-negotiable: ERC

By Joyce Mukucha The Election Resource Centre (ERC) has noted with concern potential challenges emanating from Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) in as much as adequate funding is concerned. ERC continues to maintain its position that the government of Zimbabwe must not negate its obligation of adequately funding the Electoral Commission and to institute the required…

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Young Feminists Re-Imagining Climate Conversation

By Joyce Mukucha With climate and environmental impacts persisting to drastically re-shape the world, as feminists, the Young Feminist Fund (FRIDA) has come to realise that they cannot and must not separate these concerns from their struggles. Young feminist activists are organizing against some of the most rapidly changing contexts the world has ever seen….

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ERC Committed to Integrating Youth Participation in Election Processes

By Joyce Mukucha As it launched the #RegisterElectEngage campaign, the Election Resource Centre (ERC) is continuing to make concerted efforts to ensure that non-registrants, especially young people, are able to register to vote and participate in the upcoming by-elections, delimitation process and in preparation of the 2023 harmonised elections. In its 2020 newsletter, ERC, highlighted…

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NPRC Geared to Set up CEWER System Indicators

Joyce Mukucha With the support from UN Women, the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC) has engaged different women’s rights organisations in setting up a Conflict Early Warning and Early Response (CEWER) system indicators aimed at resolving the underlying and deep-seated causes and drivers of conflicts. Speaking at a CEWER consultative meeting in Harare on…

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IOM launches CSA Nutrition Garden training for Migrant Returnees with FCDO funding

With funding from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has launched the Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and nutritional garden training programme for migrant returnees. Developed and conducted by Foundations for Farming (FfF), the CSA nutritional garden trainings encompass all the principles of Conservation Agriculture (CA) and the FfF Implementation…

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Sweden Strengthening Human Rights of Migrants and Internally Displaced Populations (IDPs) in Zimbabwe

 The Embassy of Sweden in Zimbabwe has further extended its support to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and its consortium partners for the Protection and Human Rights project.  The approved extension of the project seeks to strengthen the current Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) funded “Scaling up Coordinated Protection, Promotion and Enforcement of Human…

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Government working towards eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis

Jairos Zondai (not real name) graduated with a degree in veterinary sciences from the University of Zimbabwe at 24 years of age. His mother, a widow, sent him to school as a single parent because his father succumbed to HIV while he was nine years old. Jairos was born with HIV. “I was born with…

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Public Health Lock-down Order: A Puzzling Relaxation of Lock-down

By Veritas In a new SI published yesterday ‒ SI 299A of 2020 [link] ‒ the Minister of Health and Child Care further relaxed the national lock-down. The SI is very short – it has only two clauses – but the amendment it makes may be far-reaching. The Position Prior to This Amendment Section 5(1) of  the Lock-down…

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Peace In The World: Virtual Prayer Meeting For Lasting Harmony Between Religions

On December 14, five hundred and sixty (560) representatives from 31 religions in 80 countries including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism participated in a Virtual Year-End gathering hosted by Heavenly Culture World Peace Restoration of Light (HWPL). The prayer meeting aimed to reaffirm the religious leaders’ commitment to reconciliation as well as continued participation…

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Deeper reform requires greater resolve

By Beaven Dhliwayo The National Development Strategy 1 (2021- 2025) (NSD1) replaced the Transitional Stabilisation Programme (TSP) which was implemented in October 2018 and ends December 2020. Both strategies are aimed towards achieving the Government’s overarching desire to transform Zimbabwe’s economy from a low income to an upper-middle-income economy by 2030. A low-income economy has…

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MSF urges governments to support WTO move to prevent COVID-19 monopolies

Ahead of a critical meeting at the World Trade Organization tomorrow, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is urging all countries, including the US, to support the landmark proposal by India and South Africa to waive certain intellectual property (IP) during the COVID-19 pandemic. This call to allow more affordable…

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POTRAZ seeks to advance inclusivity in the access and use of ICTs

The Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) seeks to advance inclusivity in the access and use of information communication technologies (ICTs) by all including persons with disabilities (PWDs). This was revealed by Dr. Gift Machengete, the POTRAZ Director-General, on the the occasion of the handover of ICT equipment to schools and institutions that…

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Selfish politicians must not use youths as pawns: Cleric

By Bernard Chiketo A senior Anglican church cleric has slammed local politicians over their handling of young people who he challenged to unite and assert themselves their demand to be active beyond dirty foot-soldier-assignments. Reverend Joseph Waziveyi speaking on the sidelines of a Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) ran Business, Leadership and Economic Youth Empowerment…

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