CCG supports the newly launched Rapid Response Facility: Financing Clean Energy


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In preparation for COP26, the Energy Transition Council (ETC) has launched the Rapid Response Facility, an international and UK-funded initiative of £10million for 2021–2022 to support the transition away from fossil fuels towards clean energy. #CCG is a supporting partner.

The RRF will assist developing countries with strategic planning, capacity building, and technical expertise to accelerate energy transitions in advance of COP26. Co-Chair of the ETC (which includes major development finance institutions, climate funds, intergovernmental agencies, and national ministers) and COP26 President-Designate, Alok Sharma MP, said: “The RRF will play a key role in supporting countries to make real and clear progress in their transition from coal to clean power, ahead of COP26”.

CCG will act to help coordinate aspects of the ETC partnership and support with selected operational intelligence, tools, and knowledge needed for decarbonization planning, incentivizing new finance models, and unlocking job creation potential.

CCG draws from leading academics and is built on a partnership of world-class universities, all with a track record of impact excellence.