Chamisa reaches out to Masarira…As trouble mounts in the MDC Alliance


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Information coming in has it that MDC Alliance emissaries have started approaching LEAD founding President Linda Masarira for a possible pact.

This publication has it on good authority that some top members of the MDC Alliance have started negotiating with former members to sanitize their current trajectory of being dumped by fellow comrades.

Efforts to get a comment from Linda Masarira concerning the matter were fruitless as her mobile phone was not reachable. Masarira has been a major Chamisa critic from the time Chamisa took the reigns of MDC after the passing on of Morgan Richard Tsvangirai.

However, Brian Shonhiwa the LEAD Chief of Protocols confirmed the developments and had this to say: “It is true that fellows from MDC Alliance approached our President asking her to rejoin their camp offering some packages. However, our President has been clear as has always been the norm that she’s not going to leave the LEAD party for any other organisation.

“We’ve realized that Zimbabwe politics requires new fresh blood grounded in Pan Africanist Ideology believing in home grown solutions and our party is offering exactly that. We have realized that politics of hate and patronage has never worked, doesn’t work, and will never work.”

The MDC Alliance has been facing major blows of late, with top officials defecting to the ruling Zanu PF. This has reportedly caused more despondency to the already troubled house.