Chamuka urges end to election disputes and calls for GNU


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Writes Takudzwa Changadeya
Opposition leader Herbert Chamuka has made a call for the main opposition party to join forces with the ruling party Zanu-PF and establish a government of national unity (GNU).
Chamuka argues that the current political environment in the country is not leading it anywhere.
Speaking to reporters in Harare recently, Chamuka emphasized that the opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) should cease hostilities against Zanu-PF, as the elections are over and there is no longer any room for challenge.
Instead, Chamuka proposes that Chamisa should join Zanu-PF and work towards the progress of the country.
Chamuka believes that President Mnangagwa would be willing to embrace this unity, understanding the benefits the GNU system has had in enhancing the political landscape of the country in the past.
“Chamisa should end the practice of disputing elections. President Emmerson Mnangagwa emerged as the winner and it is important for him to accept this outcome and prioritize discussions on development. If Chamisa genuinely cares about the people, as he often claims, he should step forward and unite with Mnangagwa.
“Mnangagwa understands the significance of the Government of National Unity (GNU) as he experienced the merger between ZANU-PF and Joshua Nkomo’s ZAPU seven years after the Zanu-PF 1980 victory, resulting in the formation of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF).
“Moreover, Mnangagwa was part of the previous GNU, which brought together ZANU-PF and the two factions of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) in 2009.
“During that time, the country faced a crisis characterized by hyperinflation and extreme poverty, among other challenges. However, when these political parties joined forces, positive changes occurred for the benefit of the people. Therefore, considering the current problems we face, it would be beneficial to revisit history and learn from it,” Chamuka said.
Chamuka also expressed his desire to engage with the President of Zimbabwe in order to address the issues plaguing the country and explore potential solutions, with a particular emphasis on the implementation of a Government of National Unity (GNU).
“I believe it would be beneficial to hold a discussion with President Emmerson Mnangagwa, with a specific focus on advancing the nation.
“I will also urge him to support the establishment of a Government of National Unity (GNU), as I believe it can provide the best solution to our country’s challenges,” Chamuka said.