Children’s Republic Association advances the rights of vulnerable children

By Clemence Muchedzi

The Children’s Republic Association is advocating the rights of vulnerable children living on the streets has called the societies to stand for the less privileged.

The Founder of the organization, Chiedza Nyanyiwa said, “The vision of Children’s Republic Association is a society in which laws and policies are protective of underprivileged children. We strive to create children’s villages for homeless children and ensuring inclusive education for the marginalized children in the country. The idea is to bring clarity on what children’s rights entail since there is a lot of suffering in the country and child poverty is worrying and growing.”

Nyanyiwa said her Christian calling motivated her to stand for the less privileged.

” I believe in a purpose-driven life. Mine is a calling more than anything. The motive is to ensure equality and equity, to help lessen child poverty and hunger,” she said.

Ever since she started the organization Nyanyiwa said she helped a lot of vulnerable children.

“I can’t really put a number on how many I have helped. We do food drives for street children and we also have a magazine and try to reach as many people as we can through advocacy,” Nyanyiwa said.

Whilst standing for the rights of the underprivileged Nyanyiwa said she also encounters obstacles.

“There is a lot of room for much to be done. The challenges are in terms of funding because without adequate funding we are relegated to doing short-term projects that don’t yield long-term results,” she said.

To ensure that the voices of vulnerable children are heard and their needs are taken into consideration Nyanyiwa said societies need inclusive platforms at both national levels where vulnerable children are able to participate either personally or through their proxies.

“Organizations that work with vulnerable children should also teach children about their rights and also create spaces where their voices are heard.”

Nyanyiwa urged society to have ubuntu so as to lessen the number of vulnerable children.

“Society has an obligation and responsibility to vulnerable children. We should offer charity to vulnerable children wholeheartedly. Children are citizens and like all citizens, they deserve protection under the law.

“It is the obligation of members of society as duty bearers to ensure that the dignity and rights of all children are upheld in all spheres of life,” Nyanyiwa added.