CiZC on Auditor-General’s Report: Arrest the Financial Rot!


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The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) has said it is appalled by the damning revelations contained in the latest Auditor General’s report on the widespread corruption and financial mismanagement plaguing the Zimbabwean government.

The coalition is calling upon Zimbabweans, including those in Zanu PF, to stand up to demand transparency and accountability. The 2023 Auditor General’s (AG) report, which mirrors the previous ones by the AG, lays bare the culture of impunity, lack of accountability, and blatant disregard for proper procedures that have become the hallmark of governance in Zimbabwe.

CiZC Spokesperson, Marvellous Kumalo, said the rot is not the Zimbabwean dream of April 18, 1980, and neither is it the November 24, 2017 “promise to target thieves” the then surrounding President Robert Mugabe.

The report exposes a disturbing pattern of corruption and abuse of public resources across multiple government ministries and departments, and these include:

Unfulfilled Contracts and Missing Assets,

Inflated Pricing and Suspicious Procurement, Unaccounted Funds and Arrears,

Failure to Respond to Audit Findings,

Kumalo said the government’s failure to address the financial rot has worsened the economic and humanitarian crises facing the country and has exacerbated the suffering of millions of Zimbabweans.

“What is more worrying is the correlation between ballooning national debt, which has increased by almost USD 2 billion between 2022 and 2024, and corruption. To make matters worse, the Constitutionally guaranteed right to demonstrate and petition (Section 59) has been unilaterally withdrawn by the same people who are administering this kleptocracy.

“Corruption and mismanagement at the highest levels of government have robbed the people of Zimbabwe of the prosperity they deserve. The government must be held accountable for its actions and must urgently change course to prioritize the well-being of all citizens. The opportunity cost of corruption is evident everywhere: collapsed schools and clinics, a rising death rate especially for children, acute poverty, and rising food insecurity among others,” CiZC said.

The Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition demands the following urgent actions:

  1. Immediate Investigations and Prosecutions: The government must launch comprehensive investigations into all the cases of corruption and financial mismanagement highlighted in the Auditor General’s report. Those found responsible must be held accountable through transparent and impartial legal proceedings.
  2. Strengthening of Financial Controls and Procurement Processes: The government must urgently revamp its public financial management systems and procurement procedures to ensure transparency, competitive bidding, and effective oversight. This must be accompanied by robust anti-corruption measures and whistleblower protection
  3. Improved Accountability and Responsiveness: All government ministries and agencies must be required to promptly respond to audit findings and recommendations, demonstrating a commitment to accountability and good
  4. Independent Oversight and Civil Society Participation: The government must empower independent oversight bodies, such as the Auditor General’s Office, and actively engage with civil society organizations to enhance transparency and public participation in the management of public resources.