Come together in explosive premier


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By Kundai Marunya

There was an explosion of melodies at Reps Theatre yesterday evening as the venue premiered Come Together- A Beatles Cabaret.

The cast which includes music sensation Kudzi Sevenzo, AneUnhu Gwatidzo, Alex Fairlie and Liza Maano Abulecia received scores of ovation at the end of every performance of the Beatles music. Without dialogue it is usually hard to understand let alone enjoy a theatre performance but the cast gave an electric performance that left revelers in awe.

They gave a breath of life to the music, fine tuning some of the melodies for a fresh enticement. The play is truly way better than four guys in bad wigs singing Beatles music but a heart-catching tale of love, hurt and redemption.

In an interview with Spike Lifestyle after a brilliant performance the cast shared their different excitements and experiences. Sevenzo said, “I really enjoyed my part in the show. I love music and acting but in not everyday I am able to do that at the same stage.”

The youthful AneUnhu Gwatidzo who was in his debut major role said, “This was way bigger than the chorus roles I usually have. I was anxious at first but I grew more confident and really enjoyed the show.” He is looking forward to the following shows.

For Farlie, a reputable actor who also sings with a band, Retrospect the show was, “refreshingly different from what I am used to”. He has been in several plays at the venue including Les Miserables- the Concert and Oliver.

Meanwhile, Liza Maano Abulencia, a singer and voice teacher who has been in the entertainment industry for 30 years, touring Asia and the US, the show was unique in its own way. “This is a bigger stage than other venues I have performed and I am used to play with an orchestra and live bands not back tracks,” she said.

Come Together is a celebration of Beatles music conceived and directed by James Carey (from United States) and is produced by Sue Bolt. It has been staged twice in the US but with a different cast.