CZR applauds government on relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions


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The Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has applauded President Emmerson Mnangagwa for relaxing COVID-19 restrictions by announcing a level 2 lockdown in order to curb the global pandemic.

The newly relaxed restrictions will run for two weeks and will be reviewed thereafter.

These relaxed measures are:

*Intercity transport is permitted.

*Curfew is now from 2200hrs to 0500hrs

*Public Gatherings 100 people maximum

*Business time is now 0800 to 1900 hours

*Bottle stores to sell takeaways until 1600hrs

“Despite the latest relaxation, CZR urges business and the general public to strictly adhere to the measures. Let us all remain vigilant and save lives and livelihoods. President Mnangagwa is on record saying it is better to save lives as the economy will be resuscitated in the future. CZR, therefore, urges people to continue getting vaccinated

“The country is in a state of war against the invisible enemy, the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is our collective responsibility to stop the spread of this respiratory disease. Together we can defeat Covid-19,” Mr. Denford Mutashu, the president of CZR said in a statement.