Dangerous Shumba to change Zimdancehall music landscape


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By Lovemore Chadzingwa
THE ZIMDANCEHALL music landscape is set to experience another explosive input from the introduction of Mbare based young artist, Dangerous Shumba who is doing waves in the bustling high density suburb with his hit song ‘Nyoka Mugumbeze’ off the same-titled album that is to be released soon, this publication has established.

The young musician has set the scene ablaze with his style that many are likening to famed artist Soul Jah Love. His powerfull lyrics and bustling voice can easily waylay someone to think that it is the conquering family leader on the mic yet, it would be the rising musician.

 ” I started music at a very young age and that has been my passion. Many people think that I’m imitating Jah Love but, that is my style. I started doing music way back. My mother used to discourage me from pursuing music as a career but that did not bear fruit as I could not live away from the mic. I spend a lot of my time penning songs about things that happen in my life and in our society. I’m always alert to my style and songs such that I’ve recorded songs that other artists have tried to hijack. Anyway they have failed because its not their creation,” said the soft spoken artist, ” I fuse the Zimdancehall beat with others to appeal to a wider section of society.”
Such is his influence in Mbare that some unknown person drew a portrait of him and signed the singer’s name on a dura-wall near Mupedzanhamo market place recently.
Dangerous Shumba is swarmed by fans when he walks around Mbare asking him to do renditions of his music live or at least attend their weekly passa-passa sessions. Some even ask if he is related to Chibaba.

Born in a family that is not familiar to playing music let alone Zimdancehall, the tall figure overcame a lot of efforts to stop him from taking the musical career as his mother believed that only academic education will be the right path to a decent life for her boy child.

The aggressive chanter was straightforward in his decision and nothing could dissuade him from following his loved art. On many occasions while in high school, he would be a centre of attraction in between school curriculum activities such as lessons and sports to entertain a music fans. One of his teachers who identified his talent at high school even tried to sponsor for his recording costs but could not manage the task due to resource constraints.

This did not deter the pervasive lyricist. ” When I was in school, a lot of my peers would come to ask me to play my songs as they new about me from those who were closer to me, my friends that is. Word was doing rounds in the school circles that there was a musician in the making at my school. Those interested would pester me to play for them my compositions. At times I would be non-committal but some would offer an assortment of tokens to encourage me to play. As someone who has music in the blood I eventually saw that as an opportunity to horn my skills. One of my former teachers in high school realised this and even wanted to help but could not do so due to lack of funds,” he said with a glint of hope for a brighter future in his eye.

The young, upcoming artist is appealing for assistance to make his album see the light of day. “I’m appealing to anyone who can help to come on board and assist me record my album. All is in place and the moment I go to the studio I know there will be better fortunes for my career. It should only be a matter of time as people ask for my C.Ds but I haven’t recorded.

So far he has put together half a dozen of the intended 12 tracks. He is also helping matters by saving the little that he earns from his current job to invest in his music path.

The Soul Jah Love lookalike has performed before big crowds at night clubs around the capital namely Machokoto in Glen View and the famed Monday-jam session at City Sports Bar (CSB) to mention just two.

On all occasions he has left fans asking for more as they are taken down massive chanting lyrics. “This guy should come to perform here every week because he has great potential and needs the exposure for career development,” commented a jam session manager Mudhara Bangure at CSB after his debut display at the popular venue in recent.

A director of proceedings and organiser of the Tuesday sessions at Machokoto Night Club D.J Dougie Fresh weighed in: ” He has the potential to take over from Sauro one day. He’s very talented this young man.”

The sprawling high density suburb of Mbare is famed for unleashing top Zimdancehall musicians in the mould of Killer T, Jah Love and Kinnah among a host of others. Time will tell how far and deep Dangerous Shumba will win the hearts and minds of Zimdancehall music followers.