EU provides additional USD 60 million to support health and resilience building in Zimbabwe


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The European Union steps up its support to the people of Zimbabwe with an additional USD 60 million (EUR 53 million) under its National Indicative Programme. The funds will directly support the population in the fields of health and resilience building.

USD 43 million (EUR 38 million) will support public health service delivery by strengthening primary care systems, capacitating human resources for health and enhancing community participation.

USD 18 million (EUR 15 million) will support household and communities in vulnerable situations across the country by increasing their capacities to respond to food and nutrition security shocks.

Ambassador Timo Olkkonen, Head of the EU Delegation to Zimbabwe, says: “With this top up, the European Union increases its support to the Zimbabwean population, which now reaches USD 320 million (EUR 287 million) under the National Indicative Programme for the period 2014-2020. These two actions come at a critical time to support the people, who are facing difficult socio-economic times.”

EU development cooperation with Zimbabwe under the 11th EDF (2014-2020) National Indicative Programme, amounting to USD 260 million (EUR234 million) before this top-up, focuses on the focal sectors health, agriculture-based economic development, as well as governance and institution building.