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The Freedom of Rights Under Sovereign (FORUS) Party is successfully penetrating ZANU-PF and MDC strongholds, in the process unleashing a tide of positive change as it makes headway in its quest for electoral victory in 2023.
As part of its nationwide whirlwind provincial campaign outreach, the leadership of FORUS Party was recently welcomed by multitudes of supporters who attended its rallies in Mutare rural despite the fact that the area was traditionally a ZANU-PF stronghold.

“I am humbled by the overwhelming support I received in Mutare Rural. The people, despite fears of victimization, attend our rallies in their numbers and have made their intentions clear that they support new ideas that FORUS Party provides. Gone are the days when some parties lure voters with cups of maize seed and fertilizer especially during this rainy season.
“As FORUS Party we don’t rely on propaganda. When we talk about economic empowerment targeting various groups including farmers, we provide real empowerment projects. As a party, we are capacitating rural areas with draught power. In some instances, we drill boreholes to be used collectively by the community. The water can be used for various projects including horticulture or animal husbandry. We are the change that matters in Zimbabwe,” said Manyara Irene Muyenziwa, the president of FORUS Party.
The FORUS Party welcomes moves by the government of Zimbabwe meant to domesticate the African Governance Architecture (AGA) and the African Charter on Democracy, Elections, and Governance (ACDEG).
“The ratification and domestication of the ACDEG ahead of 2023 harmonised elections will be a welcome move. Putting in place electoral and political reforms will ensure that future electoral processes are not disputed as well as complying with domestic, regional and international standards that govern the conduct of democratic electoral processes,” FORUS Party said in a statement.