Gringo still alive: Sekuru Banda


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The late popular comedian Lazarus Boora popularly known as Gringo is still alive thanks to the revival of his legacy, which is being resuscitated by famous traditional healer Sekuru Banda.

Gringo is a televised comedy in which Boora was the lead character who entertained people while educating them about contemporary issues around family affairs, love, arts and culture.

“Besides entertaining viewers – Gringo – preserved our culture as Zimbabweans as well as giving life lessons. There are people who when they see the show, get inspired while others learn a thing or two.

“So it is my hope that the revival of the comedy on our screens will bring the much-needed laughter which is the best medicine as well as edutainment,” Sekuru Banda said.

Sekuru Banda is taking on board the entire cast and crew who worked with the late comedian.

“Already, we have a cast and that should make our work easier although here and there we are looking at scouting for more talent.”

The 13 episode drama (basic standard for most television productions) is anticipated to cost around US$100 000 to cover the setting, transport, food,  cast and crew among other requirements.

Popular characters who are still alive and willing to revive the drama are Mbudziyadhura, William Matenga popularly known as Gwesheghweshe while Gringo’s role will be taken by his son, Taurai Boora.

A senior member of the crew, Gweshegweshe, paid tribute to Sekuru Banda for his wish to revive the comedy at a time most artists are falling under because of the prevailing COVID-19- induced economic hardships.

“It was Gringo’s wish to continue with the drama and now that Sekuru Banda has come forward, it means that continuity is now guaranteed,” Gweshegweshe said.

He encouraged Sekuru Banda to engage Enock Chihombori who created the series.