By Time of the Poet Republic
As do the souls of Men reflected on their actions and words in this arena of the incessant flow of the River of life that answers to humanity. From the land of the Brave (USA) and other accolades from history, comes James Coburn, a world acclaimed master story teller in verse. From the heart of Africa, the cradle of man, is the great griot black poet Mbizo Chirasha who has remained a fugitive from his home country of Zimbabwe for his courage and bravery in daring to question the leaderships in office about corruption and human rights abuse. What a twosome!!
To read through their incredible book, METAPHORS OF THE RAINBOW, is to be invited to a surgical room where injustice is being addressed by un-apologetic poetic surgeons with no visible anesthesia, with microscopic detail. Sharp metaphors, drilling imageries, and the prowess of a river smooth, sure, and guaranteed knowledge of its power, delve deep into the social tumors of injustice as it’s stared at and condemned in classical hyperbolic phrases that ring into the reader’s ears long after putting the book down.
Experience in the field of fighting injustices in human rights-related situations has birthed incredible verses that resonate with each man’s wordsmith excellent recital. That this book is dedicated to world poets of resilience, resistance, human rights crusaders and social justice advocates goes to showcase art rising to the fore of leadership in writing to right the wrongs that plague societies and individuals in our world. Come sample the awesomeness of the rainbow rich in its bittersweet array of verses.
A must-read for all (Blurb by Nancy Ndeke, Author of A Bridge to a Bridge Through a Bridge)
James Coburn ( Oklahoma Poet is an Oklahoma poet in the United States of America).

Coburn has always valued the subtext of life and seeks to reveal its undercurrents. He believes indifference is the enemy of man as it is the benefactor of ignorance, racism, and xenophobia. His first book of poetry “Words of Rain” was published in 2014. The book was a finalist for an Oklahoma Book Award. In 2016, ten of his poems against terrorism and to save the Sunderbans (wetlands) were published in “Onnyodhara” (The Alternative Way) Eid-special issue festival edition in association with “Anushilon” (The Culture & Literature Society) the National Literary Organization of Bangladesh. Coburn is a 2013 inductee of the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame. He has been published in several anthologies. Three of his poems were published in Canada’s Tuck magazine in 2017-18.
Mbizo CHIRASHA – UNESCO-RILA Affiliate Artist.
2020 Free Speech Fellow at PEN Deutschland.2020 Poet in Residence of the Fictional Café . 2019 African Fellow of the Writer at Monk Arts and Soul Magazine. Literary Arts Activism Diplomatie at Bezine Arts and Humanities Magazine and The Poet A Day. Featured Poetry Artist at World BeyondWar.Org. Arts Features and Political commentary Writer at Cultural Weekly. Featured African Writer at Demer Press International Poetry Series. Featured African Performance Poet at 2020 Medellin International Poetry Festival. Featured Poet/Writer at INKSWEATAND TEARS Journal, Sentinel UK, Wrath-bearing Tree- USA, FemAsia Magazine -UK. Southern Africa Poet at 2020 Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín.2019 Live Literature Hub Curator/Producer at Sotambe International Film Arts FESTIVAL. 2009 Poet in Residence at International Africa Culture and Development, ICACD). 2003 Young Literary Arts Delegate of ZimBookFair to Goteborg International Book Fair and was the Spokenword Artist at SIDA African Pavilion. Co-Editor of a three Languages International collection STREET VOICES with prominent German Author Andreas Weiland. Featured Poet at Cervena Barva Press Newsletter. Literary Arts and Poetry Contributor to the Zimbabwean Voice of the Voiceless Newspaper. African Participant to the World Poetry Almanac Book Series in Mongolia. Resident Coordinator for 100 Thousand POETS for Peace- Zimbabwe. Founder and Creative Director at GirlChildcreativity Project. Writer in Residence. Global LITERARY Arts Projects Influencer. Published Author and International Acclaimed Poet. Chronicler and Publisher, AFRICA WRITERS CARAVAN. Chief Editor at TIME OF THE POET REPUBLIC. Projects Curator at WOMAWORDS LITERARY PRESS. Chief Influencer at Brave Voices Poetry Journal. Author and Editor at Porcupine Quill.