Hawks Handball Club celebrates fifth anniversary


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By Chimeno Azriel

Kadoma-based Hawks Handball Club this weekend celebrates its fifth anniversary and they are going to host matches and an after-party event.

Hawks Handball Club is in the fifth year of its existence. Today (Saturday) they are holding anniversary matches accompanied by braai and drinks. The anniversary party is to be held in Ingezi Kadoma.

Speaking to the Club Head, coach, and co-founder Mr. Kudakwashe Gadzira, said all is set for the celebration of the club’s formation through a series of matches and braai later on in the day.

The club which was co-founded by two gents Kudakwashe Gadzira and Emmanuel Chiwere was formed in 2017 and is a community-based club with the aim to identify and nurture the talents of youths.

“The club has different playing age groups in under 13, 15, 18 years and senior teams both male and female. Our team comprises of male and female age groups that are under 13, 15, and 18 years of age. We also have senior teams where we identify and nurture talents in young people.” said Gadzira.

The Hawks Handball Club is a force to reckon with and ever since its formation they have managed to participate in the Mashonaland West Handball League and the National Champions Handball League.

In an interview, Mr. Gadzira said their Junior team is the defending champions of the MashRhino Trophy which they won in 2018 at Jameson High School in Kadoma.

“Our junior team are the defending champions of the MashRhino Trophy which was played at Jameson High School. Unfortunately, we could not play further due to Covud 19 pandemic which forced all the sporting activities to be suspended.” said Gadzira.

The teams in Mashonaland West and Midlands joined together to form the Central Region Handball League during the 2020-21 season. Hawks Handball Club is currently leading the log standings in the men’s category.

“The team is currently on the top of the log standings of the Central Region Handball League and we are going to win it this year,” vowed Gadzira.

However, the team is seeking financial assistance as they are currently surviving on well-wishers in the community and the contributions from the players.

“The team is seeking sponsorship as we face difficulties in securing transportation to and from matches to which we usually contribute as players,” said Gadzira.

“We are therefore appealing to the corporate world and individuals who may want to sponsor us so that we produce quality players to represent our country. The team has one set of sports kits which they share between girls and boys and they are in need of balls, nets, and food,” he added.