By Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo
No way about it, we definitely need President Emmerson Mnangagwa around to make two serious resolutions around leadership, organization, and Institutions. We are way beyond politics, slogans, and bootlicking, we need each other. The rate at which people are dying, no time for cheap politics, bootlicking, blame game, slogans, this is the time to come together and bring solutions to the table. My two cents advice worth taking, Mr. President:
- You must unite the nation, and Political leadership is expected to shelve cheap politics
- Leaders, Organizations, and Institutions must be your key priority areas
- Government Institutions are literally dead, and we expect you to provide Strategic leadership. We have ZESA, NASSA, NET ONE, and many others.
- Why don’t you consider privatization of Strategic State companies?
- The current cabinet is comprised of deadwood in some of the critical ministries. There is a need for review, perhaps after wider consultation with citizen’s perspective
- Institutional Framework is key on our judiciary, Parliament, and Public Service Commission.
- Do we still need two Vice President (s)? Considering the drama on state functions? It would be far much better to cut and redirect expenditure
- Confrontational politics must come to an end. We need to separate politics and Development.
- We need a sound National Development Agenda and Policy for our country
- SONE is now ripe for a clear tone or direction of our country
- You must not keep the nation guessing on a proper Economic Recovery framework (plan), on the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Food Security. Consider the value chain on pfumvudza project. It must reflect a business model approach
- We need a proper Business Model approach on how to govern our country
- Investment Policy must be reviewed.
- We have only one TV station why? In this modern-day society? Allow other private players to participate in the mainstream economy
- The current crop of politicians around you represents the ” Old guard”, perhaps you may need fresh ideas around you.
- Instead of a museum, why don’t you consider a State of the Art hospital around Warren Pk, or Heroes Acre area? You can channel those resources for a beautiful state of the art hospital
- Kindly consider two approaches ;
(a) Independent Advisory Board
(b) Covid-19 Economic taskforce comprising of technocrats, Business Community, Researchers, politicians across political divide and corporate world leaders etc
- Government must be a Solution oriented pivotal centre, for Strategy
- Legacy is an important aspect of life when one is in ” office”
- Our nation must not survive on handouts, but rather ” empowerment schemes” for citizens
- As citizens, we stand guided by leadership, we expect answers on critical questions
- Conflicting Statements from Ministers regarding Covid-19 pandemic, is a clear sign of policy inconsistency and old guard approach
- Liberalizing the economy is vital for our situation
- More attention is needed on productivity than politics. Money is not grown on trees, therefore we expect resources to be channeled towards industry for employment creation, tourism, mining, Agriculture, Infrastructure development etc. People want jobs not handouts.
Government must creat a conducive environment to enable Economic players and business to operate smoothly !!!
ZIST will be running a leadership and development online course , for more enquiries 0778387003
Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo is the Head of Zimbabwe Institute of Strategic Thinking, ZIST, he can be contacted at [email protected]