Jedidiah Trust in Food Drive for Prison Inmates’ Children

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Step into the tattered shoes of these young innocent souls. It’s hard having a mother out of reach, incarcerated; unable to be taken care of. Rumbling sounds of an empty stomach every day and night; sleepless nights thinking, “Am I ready to face the next day?” How do you feel?

Jedidiah Trust has taken the initiative to organize a food drive to assist a number of children left by their mothers under the hands of caregivers, and all the children that are with their mothers in prison at the Chikurubi Female Prison. It’s just a matter of lending a helping hand. A majority of these children lack the most valuable care a child could ever need, motherly love and care.

These children have gone through a whole lot of pain and trauma following the incarceration of their mothers. The least we can do is relieve that pain with a reasonable amount of food on the table for them every day. A number of them lack enough basics to maintain a healthy lifestyle; they are isolated from society, poverty-stricken, and heavily burdened by a lot of responsibilities to keep themselves alive. Those that are left in the hands of caregivers suffer the same agony through their caregivers. Those that live with their mothers in prison are not excluded from the excruciating life torments.

The wounds dug deeper by the pandemic devoured the walls of this world. It does not make things any easier. Some jobs were lost, and working to feed the children every day is a struggle when the little money earned barely serves adequate food on the table on a daily basis. Mothers and their children in the prison are less frequently visited and taken care of by their families outside.

“This food drive is a stepping stone. All hope is not lost, and happiness is found in the hungry. With this event in play, we can make a huge difference. The general public has been blind-sighted towards these people; lost and forgotten, and one of our goals is to change that.  Join us; tell a friend to tell a friend, and we make someone smile through this event. They need food as much as we do. Together let’s save a life.,” said Jedidiah Chikwanda, the Founder of Jedidiah Trust.