Kadoma City newly-elected Councillors ready to bring development


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Twenty-two (22) newly elected Kadoma City councillors were sworn in at Kadoma Town House on Thursday to start their term of office in a City where poor service delivery is at its lowest due to alleged mismanagement.

Kadoma City Town Clerk, Mr Malvern Madondo presided over the swearing-in of the councillors, but the election of the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor did not materialise as the Ministry of Local Government notified that the councillors needed to undergo an induction workshop first before they allocate each other positions and committees.

During an interview, the Town Clerk said the Ministry of Local Government has indicated that the elections of the Mayor and Deputies will be done after induction has been completed.

“We were directed that there has to be an induction first before the full Council meeting and the induction is expected to be completed by 21 September. Thereafter, the Ministry will advise of the dates,” said Mr Madondo.

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has sixteen elected councillors, while Zanu PF has one, and under the Women’s Quota CCC has 3 whilst ZANU PF has 2, bringing the total number of Councillors to 22.

Kadoma Residents are expecting the incoming councillors to outwit the previous ones by restoring the City to its former glory. The City has been experiencing poor service delivery. Most of the roads are in a poor state and sewer pipe bursts are the order of the day.

CCC won all local government seats in Kadoma except one and the residents will be banking on the elected Councillors to address the challenges facing the City.

Members of Parliament elects were sworn in on Thursday to signal the beginning of Zimbabwe’s tenth Parliament. This year will see more legislators from either party seconded to the August House under proportional representation. ZANU PF will have 176 whilst CCC will have 103 members of Parliament.

In the Senate, ZANU PF has 33 Senators and CCC will have 27. They will be joined by 18 Chiefs and 2 representatives of people with disabilities.