Kadoma’s Own Hero: Sirizani Butau honoured with Medal on Heroes Day


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Writes Thomas Faranando
Kadoma’s very own Sirizani Butau has been hailed a hero and awarded a medal for his bravery in the 2021 Mutare road accident. The medal was presented by President Mnangagwa on Heroes Day, alongside other heroes from various sectors, including Luckmore Nice and Black Umfolosi.
Butau’s selfless act of rescuing eight people from a burning Beta bus on December 24, 2021, has left a lasting impact on the community.
“Sirizani Butau is a true hero, his actions that day were nothing short of miraculous,” said Mr. George Mabwe,  a member of the Berina Residents Association.
“He risked his own life to save others, it’s a testament to his bravery and compassion,” he added.
Butau, who was not involved in the accident, suffered third-degree burns while rescuing the trapped passengers. “I was shocked to hear about the accident, but even more shocked to hear about Sirizani’s bravery,” said former member of parliament, Fani Phiri.
“He’s an inspiration to us all, a true hero in every sense of the word,” he further said.
The community of Kadoma is proud to call Sirizani Butau one of their own.
“We are honored to have Sirizani as a part of the only city in Mashonaland West Province,” said Kadoma City Mayor, His Worship Councillor Nigel Isheunesu Ruzario.
 “His actions are a shining example of what it means to be a hero, and we are grateful for his selflessness,” the mayor added.
Butau’s heroics have not gone unnoticed, and his medal is a well-deserved recognition of his bravery.
“Sirizani Butau is a hero, plain and simple,” said Mrs. Taruvinga Maketo from the Munhumutapa suburb of Kadoma.
 “His actions that day will never be forgotten, and we are proud to call him our own,” she said with a smile of pride.