Karoi Pool Association fights drugs abuse


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Writes Nhau Mangirazi
KAROI – The Karoi Pool Association (KPA) is making strides in fighting criminal vices affecting communities including drugs and substance abuse.
They have managed to lure players including the youth so that they remain occupied during weekdays and weekends when competitions are being played in Karoi farming town and Hurungwe district.
KPA chairperson, Terence Chidemo, said they are helping communities to fight social ills among youth in Karoi farming town and parts of Hurungwe.
‘‘It is our norm as KPA before kickoff of any event to have few words discouraging drug and substance abuse by our youths who constitute about 80% of our members,’’ said Chidemo.
He added that KPA is not only helping in the fight against drug and substance abuse but also the commission of various crimes in communities.
‘‘Through sports, we are reducing criminal activities like unlawful entry and theft, domestic violence among others as suspected perpetrators will be occupied most of the time through the sporting activities,’’ added Chidemo.
KPA relies on club affiliations and covers four of the district constituencies.
There are 28 clubs with 22 from Karoi town within the Hurungwe Central constituency, while six others are from Tengwe (Hurungwe East), Kazangarare (Hurungwe North), and Magunje constituency.
The league kicked off in February 2024 and had a season that resumed at the weekend (3 August) at Rufaro Hote in Karoi.
‘‘The second half opening gala was aimed at our commitment to the drugs and substance abuse fight,’’ he added.
Chidemo explained that KPA is trying by all means to fight drug and substance abuse, especially among the youth.
‘‘We are keeping them occupied with this sport. Many people in Karoi are making a living through the pool since every week we hold tournaments where prizes are won. Drug and substance abuse is on the rise not only in Karoi town but in the whole country and we have since decided to join in the fight,’’ added Chidemo.
At the end of the season, prizes include team of the season, player of the season, most disciplined team of the season, and most disciplined player of the season among others.
‘‘Besides fighting crimes in Karoi, KPA is also playing a pivotal role in reducing the spread of STIs, HIV, and AIDS through education and campaigns during the galas and social media platforms,’’ he said.
On Sunday, seven teams won prizes, namely Delegates Pool Club which came tops followed by Ntombi Pool Club while Hungwe Pool Club was placed third and As You Like It Pool Club came fourth.
ZRP Karoi Pool Club came fifth, Kings Kakadu Pool Club was sixth and Ringo Leisure Pool Club was seventh.
The KPA has made a big score that saw four players making it to the national competition who participated in the Carling Black label finals in Harare on Sunday.
These are Joshua Chambwera, Elisha Tembo, Filda Nyamupaguma and Dadirai Mhindu.