Legal ignorance of Cde Douglas Mahiya shocking: ZNLWVA-aligned war veterans

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War veterans aligned with the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) National Executive Committee chaired by Cde Moffat Elias Marashwa have said they are shocked by the level of legal ignorance of Cde Douglas Kufakunesu Mahiya.

Cde Mahiya appeared on the prime news on the national broadcaster, ZBC TV News at 8 pm on 30 May 2024 where he announced the nullification of ZNLWVA splinter groups claiming legitimacy of the leadership of the former freedom fighters. The ZBC news update was a follow-up to the letter he had delivered to the warring factions of the ZNLWVA.

The letter contained a joint statement by the Minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Affairs, Honourable M. Mavhunga; Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Honourable J. G. Moyo; and Secretary for Veterans, Ex-political Prisoners, Detainees and Restrictees, Cde. D. K. Mahiya on convening elections for the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (PVO Number 1/90).

“It has been noted with concern that there are a number of leadership structures claiming legitimacy using the same name Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, PVO Number 1/90. This has created confusion, hence, the need to urgently rectify the situation. In consultation with the then Acting President Hon. K. C. D. Mohadi, on behalf of the Patron, His Excellency the President, Cde. Dr E. D. Mnangagwa, we hereby direct as follows:
a) those democratic elections inclusive of all structures of the ZNLWA led by Comrades Ambassador Christopher Mutsvangwa, Moffat Marashwa and Andrease Mathibela be convened from District, Province and National Levels in order to produce a single leadership.
b) That dates for the elections across the three levels will be communicated in due course and all other arrangements by the separate ZNLWVA groupings are hereby nullified.
c) That all members of the ZNLWVA should desist from name-dropping forthwith,” read the letter.

Cde Samuel Getbusy Simbini Mhlanga, the spokesperson of the ZNLWVA chaired by Cde Marashwa, in response to the letter and the update on ZBC TV News, said he was shocked by the level of legal ignorance of Cde Mahiya who fails to know that the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) has its National Constitution and that it is a registered Private Voluntary Organisations (Act) 1/1990 an Act which prohibits its members from mingling in Party politics.

Cde Mhlanga argued that in 2014, in Masvingo, Cde Mahiya was elected ZNLWVA National Information and Publicity Secretary, a position he used to be where he is today in the ZANU PF Politburo. During Cde Mahiya’s tenure, Cde Mhlanga claimed, the ZNLWVA was on the verge of being deregistered because he, together with his National Committee members violated the PVO Act and the association’s constitution.

“It was myself Cde Samuel Getbusy Simbini Mhlanga and Cde Moffat Elias Marashwa as founder members who, at the advice of the Government,  regrouped, established an Interim Committee, mobilised paid-up members and held our Elective Conference following our constitution and adhering to the PVO Act.  Our Patron, the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe H. E. Cde Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is fully briefed on our activities.

“Cde Mahiya is a member of the failed previous committee and in that vein, he is not qualified to act as a peacemaker. Finally, we are going to apply for a Prohibition Order in the courts of law praying for Cde Mahiya and any other person with similar thinking to stop interfering with the affairs of the ZNLWVA whose PVO registered number is 1/1990. We do this using our authority as founder members as well as ZNLWVA paid-up members. We need not remind Cde Mahiya that his plate is full and the War Veterans League members have been patiently waiting for his promises since he was appointed National Secretary in the Politburo,” Cde Mhlanga said.

By the time of going to print, this publication had not managed to get the views of Cde Mahiya and the other ministers who allegedly suspended the leadership of ZNLWVA pending the upcoming elections.