Liquid Telecoms joins the fight against cholera


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By Miriam Zvomuya

Following the outbreak of cholera the past few weeks in Zimbabwe, Liquid Telecom today joined the fight against cholera by replacing sewer and water pipe in Glen Norah B.

Speaking at a groundbreaking ceremony today, the Harare City Mayor, His Worship Councillor Herbert Gomba said, “Liquid Telecoms has done a good job of repairing and revamping broken sewer pipes and water infrastructure in the fight against cholera”.

Mr. Martin Mushambadope the Chief Operating officer of Liquid Telecoms said the programme of replacing sewer and water pipes would cost about USD 1.5 million in the first phrase that will cover Chembira School, Glen Norah Park through to Shiriyedenga. The exercise will also cover Dzivarasekwa, Chazezesa encompassing Dzivarasekwa High 2 and Dzivarasekwa extension.

“Liquid Telecom’s mandate of the sustained campaign is to defeat and eliminate the threat of future cholera outbreaks in Zimbabwe”, reiterated Mr. Mushambadope.

In conjunction with Econet Wireless, Higher Life Foundation and Steward Bank, Liquid Telecom has put in place transparent, accountable and verifiable audit trails on the ongoing sustained fight against cholera.

The Harare City Mayor, Mr. Gomba gave remarks on the media fraternity. “The media fraternity has done a good job in its great awareness of educating people on cholera causes, preventive measures, what to do when noticing the symptoms and where to call and where to go, it has acted responsibly.”

“Glen Norah residents should take good care of the sewer and water pipes since the pipes we are replacing today have lasted for more than 50 years,” added Mr. Gomba.