Man in soup for daring Sekuru Banda’s powers


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Australia-based Zimbabwean socialite Mukoma Masimba rues the day he dared challenge the power of famous and rich traditional healer Sekuru Banda as the world seems to crumble around him in the foreign land where he has since become destitute and is resorting to prostitution.

Misfortune is haunting Mukoma Masimba who is now complaining of being let down by Australian authorities whom he now accuses of abdicating their duty to provide him proper accommodation for over a year.

In a bizarre account of events, Mukoma Masimba confessed that he is suspecting that he is in the present predicament after he boastfully challenged and ridiculed Sekuru Banda as someone who had less power as a traditional healer.

“I humbly send my apologies to Sekuru Banda.  I must confess that I was playing to the gallery when I challenged Sekuru Banda’s power. That man is great and no pushover. My advice to the world at large is for us to respect such spiritual leaders,” Mukoma Masimba said.

Contacted for comment, Sekuru Banda said he was willing to look into the issue from a spiritual lens and advised people to desist from commenting on issues they have no knowledge about.