Marian Chombo pledges economic transformation of Mashonaland West Province


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Chinhoyi – The newly appointed Mashonaland West Provincial Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Hon Marian Chombo has said she is ready to work with the people to economically transform the province.

“We are going to work together with the people of Mashonaland West to transform this province economically so that we become one of the best contributors to the national GDP as the province is rich with vast resources from mining, agriculture, and tourism sectors among others,” she said.

“It’s all hands on deck as I expect a united province geared to attain an upper middle-income economy in our province in fulfilling National Development Strategy 1 and ensuring we fulfill the call by our President Emmerson Mnangagwa that no person or place is left behind in soci-economical transformation and development in this province,” she said.

Speaking after her introductory meeting to her new office after a handover-takeover process, Hon Chombo thanked President Mnangagwa for showing confidence in her in steering the province’s development.

“I am grateful to our President who has entrusted me with the duty of spearheading government development programs in Mashonaland West. We have to collectively work to continue to be the best province as we keep our status as “Mashonaland Best,” she said.

Hon Chombo, who is also a Member of Parliament for Zvimba North Constituency and ZANU PF central committee member said she will continue to maintain a no-closed-door stance as her office will always be open to everyone who is ready to work towards the upliftment of Mashonaland West people.