Maskiri endorses goat farming handbook

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Pioneer rapper cum goat breeder, Alishias Musimbe a.k.a Maskiri, has endorsed a book that provides knowledge of goat farming on the African continent.

Written by Maskiri’s business partner, Tatenda Mashozhera, who is co-director of Mash Goats, the book titled “Goat Farming In Africa” brings out well-researched information on goat farming including different breeds and their advantages, basics of setting up a goat farming project and breeding techniques.

It also outlines how to understand goat behaviour and physiology, set up infrastructure, manage goats, care for pregnant does, raise exotic goats, feeding and nutrition, and health and disease management, among many other aspects of goat farming.

Maskiri said the book is a manual every farmer and goat enthusiast should have.

“This book is loaded with information that every goat farmer should have on their fingertips, be they commercial breeders or subsistence farmers,” he said.

“It will open your mind to a greater understanding of goat farming and how one can turn it around into a profitable business.

“It is something I recommend even to our farmers in the rural areas who have been keeping goats for years to have as it will help improve their flock, quality of breeds and help them take better care of their livestock.”

Goat farming has been gaining traction in the country in recent years with various breeds that were once exclusive to white commercial farmers being introduced to the general populace.

The government has been at the forefront of improving the nation’s breed with President Emmerson Mnangagwa introducing the ‘Presidential Goat Scheme’, donating pure breed goats to various communities around the country.

Mashozhera said he is willing to work with the government to formulate ways of making sure good goat farming practices are introduced to every province, district, and constituency right down to communities.

“Availing the ‘Goat Farming In Africa’, currently being translated into Shona and isiNdebele, to every community and school will be a good start to make sure goat farming is enhanced.

“This is a book that took four years of research and writing to complete,” he said.

“Me getting into the goat farming business in 2018 is when the book idea started, but I couldn’t write about what I don’t know so this has been based on daily experiences corresponding with research to find solutions to challenges I would have faced.”

Maskiri, a G.O.A.T (greatest of all time) of Zimbabwean hip hop has been instrumental in encouraging goat farming since joining the trade a few years back.

“Goat farming is something that has been life-changing for me, earning me a stable income while improving my investment portfolio,” he said.

“Goat farming is not time consuming but it requires one to properly care and monitor for them to succeed.

“So I can still write my music and record while doing my goat project.

“This is to say I have not quit music, I will actually be dropping an EP very soon.”

Lauded for opening doors for many rappers, some of whom have changed the game, making hip hop one of the most sought-after genres in the country at the moment, Maskiri recognised the work and improvements that come with each generation.

“We open doors for a generation which eventually opened doors for another generation, which will subsequently open doors for another,” said Maskiri.

“You will find that with each generation hip hop is improving.

“You really can’t tell someone at the peak of their careers what to do, they will end up pointing at your shortfalls when you were at your peak so the best way is to let them learn as they progress.

“Maybe God knew that if I had started this goat farming project at my peak I would have failed so maybe it’s a good thing I got involved in farming when I had matured”

Meanwhile, Maskiri will be hosting a goat farming master class in Seke towards the end of June.

The “NaMwari” hitmaker said he is ready to share his knowledge with those willing to participate in the master class.

“I encourage those willing to learn about goat farming to register for the master class where we will share our knowledge, trends, and everything about goat farming,” said Maskiri.

“We will also have on sale, the goat farming handbook, hay, and 150 exotic goat breeds.”