Men in Unhappy Marriages Likely to Commit Suicide?


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Relationship breakdown, misunderstanding or failure have been said to constitute a major risk factor for suicide ideation and completion.

Although no definitive conclusion can be reached about a gender differential in susceptibility to this factor, several studies have identified that there is an elevated risk factor in men following divorce and separation.

On a breezy Wednesday last week, at the heart of Harare city centre, a young couple was seen walking along Nelson Mandela Street and suddenly the husband who seemed stressed and overwhelmed threw himself in front of a coming vehicle.

Luckily, the kombi driver managed to control the vehicle and saved the man’s life.

A 36-year-old Nyasha Humudza from Darwendale told this publication that his marriage was stressful following that his wife fails to understand the economic challenges currently prevailing in the country which are being experienced by the majority of citizens.

While interviewing him at the scene he tried to commit suicide, Humudza explained that as a man, he was challenged more by changing gender roles and made it clear that he was in an unhappy marriage.

He explained that he was experiencing emotional difficulties and indicated that the level of satisfaction within the relationship is important but unfortunately he was not finding happiness.

This relates well with Benedikt Till of MedUni Vienna who explains that people who are unhappy in an existing relationship, in which there are unresolved conflicts are likely to have suicidal thoughts.

“The reason why I wanted to end my life is because of my wife. I feel like she doesn’t consider my happiness. She only puts herself first and she doesn’t understand how difficult things are at the moment. Everyone is struggling, trying to make ends meet but she keeps demanding for stuff like fancy shoes and clothes. She is controlling and abusive, my head is full of confusion always,” said Humudza.

According to the results of the study which have now been published in the magazine titled “Crisis” , the greatest risk factors are exhibited by people who are unhappy in their relationship.

In the United States, research which aimed at determining circumstantial associations of intimate partner problem related suicide in suicide decedents in Kentucky reveal that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death.

Furthermore, intimate partner problems are amid the top precipitating circumstances among suicide decedents.

Trying to hear the side of Angel Humudza, the wife, she justified herself explaining that her husband is short tempered and he always had suicidal thoughts as this was the third time he tried to kill himself.

She even explained that Humudza was failing to manage pressure from work which is another reason he wanted to take his own life.

“My husband is eplitic which at times fuels his anger. This is not the first time he’s been trying to take his life. Firstly, he went to the railway line and lay down on the tracks waiting for the train to come and crash him. The second time, he tried to throw himself into the river and now he wanted to throw himself into a vehicle. I try my best to be a good wife but another problem is that at work, they are using a new application online and the pressure is just too much for him. He doesn’t want pressure at all so I think it’s also contributing for him having suicidal thoughts,” said Mrs Humudza.

Besides misunderstandings and being unhappy in a relationship, there are also other several life stressors that are risk factors for suicide.

These include abusing drugs, financial problems, conflict and argument over property or money among others.

People who witnessed the incident advised the Humudza’s to seek guidance and counseling from experts in oder to save their marriage.