Minister Ndlovu on a whirlwind countrywide domestic tourism campaign


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Honourable Mangaliso Ndlovu, the Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry has embarked on a whirlwind countrywide tour to promote domestic tourism.

The minister, smarting from a tour of the pristine wildlife conservation area of the Lowveld that is home to the prestigious Malilangwe of the famous Pamushana Lodge, is in Mashonaland East Province from last Thursday.

On Thursday, Honourable Ndlovu received a warm welcome from Mashonaland East Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Hon Apolonia Munzverengwi who praised him for putting the province’s tourism products on the map.

“We as Mashonaland East Province, are happy to be with you Honourable Minister at this very important occasion where we seek to explore and upgrade the tourism potential in Mashonaland East Province. We have realised that besides being endowed with everything that supports agricultural production, Mashonaland East province also has huge potential in tourism and hospitality by way of having virgin and underdeveloped tourist sites scattered all over the Province,” Hon. Munzverengwi said.


She said all the province’s districts have something to show in terms of such sites.

“Today is the day we have been waiting for to find ways of tapping into this treasure. At the present moment, we have identified the following sites for the tour: Benard Muzeki Shrine in Marondera; Tsindi Ruins in Marondera; Makurumure Falls in Wedza; Imire Game Park in Wedza; Markwe Caves in Wedza; Nyatana Conservancy in Mudzi; and Mutemwa Mountain in Mutoko.

“With the expertise reposted in the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality, we are confident that with time, these sites shall be transformed into spectacular tourist resorts and everyone including the responsible authorities will marvel at the end product after the upgrading and development have been completed.”

The expansion of the tourism sector in the province will come in handy as it will create a lot of employment opportunities for people as well as help generate income for the province.

The whole idea is to decongest the traditional tourist facilities and bring meaning and purpose to the province’s endowments that have been idle and untapped for many years.

Today, the minister toured the scenic Mukurumure Falls in the company of chiefs and the constituency legislator as well as some government officials.