MP Gift Mambipiri pledges personal vehicle to fight cholera in Kadoma City


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Writes Chimeno Azriel

Kadoma Central MP, Gift Mambipiri, has offered his vehicle to Kadoma City Council so that it can operate as an ambulance to help with the transportation of cholera patients to a Cholera Centre which is situated in Ingezi Township.

The availability of the 18-seater minibus will help to transport patients who need transport to the cholera centre and will be working hand in hand with the two City Council Ambulances in and around Kadoma.

Confirming the availability of the vehicle, the Mayor of Kadoma, Cllr Nigel Ruzario, said that they were happy to receive the vehicle from the Honourable Member of Parliament.

“As the City of Kadoma, we would like to thank the Honourable Member of Parliament for Kadoma Central for offering his vehicle to be used to carry the cholera patients to the cholera camp.” said the Mayor.

“We would also like to appeal to the community members and the corporate world to emulate what the Honourable Member of Parliament has done by offering their services and donating to the centre so that we fight cholera together” said the Mayor.

Cholera has so far killed several people in Zimbabwe, with Kadoma being one of the worst-hit cities. At the time of going to press, more than 22 people were hospitalized.

Kadoma’s major challenge has been the transportation of cholera victims from their homes to the cholera treatment centers, and Hon Mambipiri’s vehicle came at the right time.

A Kadoma-based resident and medical doctor, Dr. Pikirai Mazani, said he was humbled by what the MP had done.

“All I can say is that this is a selfless gesture by the Honourable MP Mambipiri. He is leading by example and we need more people like him to complement the ongoing efforts by the Government through the Ministry of Health and Kadoma City Council to control the cholera outbreak in Kadoma,” said Dr Mazani.

Another Kadoma resident, Justin Manzini, encouraged other philanthropists and well-wishers to come on board.

“This is one of the highest levels of philanthropy given the harsh economic circumstances where the council is even struggling to pay its workers. Such moves are well calculated, essential, show empathy, togetherness, and innovativeness in terms of ensuring a healthy, and happy society,” said Manzini.

Residents and the business community in the past weeks have also chipped in with donations towards the cholera treatment centre and this is commendable. Other donors and well-wishers donated money and various items such as cleaning detergents,  and airtime to the cholera centre.

Cholera is a bacterial disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It is characterized by severe diarrhea and dehydration. If left untreated, cholera can be fatal.

Cholera is primarily spread through contaminated water and food. The cholera bacteria is passed through feces and can be spread by consuming food or water contaminated by the excreta of an infected person. After ingestion of contaminated food or water, the bacterium colonizes the small intestine for 12 to 72 hours before symptoms appear.

The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of sewer and drinking water. Cholera is primarily spread through the consumption of contaminated water or food, and it can lead to severe diarrhea, dehydration, and potentially death if left untreated.

The car was handed over last week to the City’s mayor at the Ingezi Cholera Centre.