Msengezi Volleyball Team scoop gold medal


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Writes Nhau Mangirazi
Msengezi High School clinched a gold medal after winning the National Association School Heads (NASH) volleyball under the girls’ cluster competition on Friday in Mutare.
The school was representing Mashonaland West province in the NASH U20 volleyball finals held in Mutare drawn from 12 schools representing all provinces with Bulawayo and Harare metro provinces.
The school coach, Simbarashe Besa (42), was appointed by Nash executive to be the under-17 girls national team coach for the Council Of Southern Africa school Sports Associations (Cossasa) games due to be held in Bulawayo in August.
Besa popularly known as ’Coach Frisco’, and team manager Yvonne Kokere also led the Msengezi High School team to national glory when they scooped the gold Medal in June for the under 17 national finals at Marondera High School.
On Friday, all the stars were on Msengezi High School when they came first in their pool after beating Harare Girls High and Chizondo from Masvingo.
They proceeded to beat Townsend from Bulawayo in the quarter-finals and Chibi High was also knocked out in the semifinals.
Msengezi were paired against their arch-rival, Rusununguko High School from Mashonaland East Province who took the first two sets in a game of five sets.
Msengezi made an epic comeback to claim the third set and fought resolutely to equalize to 2 sets a piece.
The deciding set played ended with Msengezi 15 against Rusununguko 8.
The team received a gold medal.
Kelly Ncube scooped the Best Setter Award while Chido Mushonga was awarded the best receiver and the Most Valuable Player.
Msengezi Boys played Mutare Boys High School and lost to Alan Wilson in the pool.
They proceeded to the quarter-finals where they beat Gutu High.
In the semifinals, they lost to St Collins High School.
The boys, however, played for the Bronze medal against Mazowe and they were victorious.
Alphajoy Mugwagwa was awarded the Best Blocker award.
The whole Under 17 team was selected to represent Zimbabwe in the Cossasa games.
Msengezi U17 boys came third after losing to Allan Wilson who came first, followed by St Collins.