Muzamhindo takes Growth Transformative Strategy to Tanzania


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Writes Alfred Muzungunye


In the vibrant landscape of Zimbabwe’s economic development, one figure stands tall in the pursuit of national progress: Dr Tinashe Eric Muzamhindo, the dynamic CEO of the Zimbabwe Institute of Strategic Thinking (ZIST). His relentless commitment to promoting and advancing Zimbabwe’s interests is not just commendable, it is transformative. Dr Muzamhindo has authored a groundbreaking book, the “Growth Transformative Strategy”, which has resonated deeply within Zimbabwe, earning its place as a guiding template across various sectors in the implementation of Zimbabwe’s vision 2030 agenda.


This vision is ambitious, aiming to transition Zimbabwe into a middle-income economy by the year 2030, and Dr Muzamhindo’s work is pivotal to its realization. Recently Dr Muzamhindo has taken this noble initiative beyond Zimbabwe’s borders, bringing the Growth Transformative Strategy to Tanzania.


Muzamhindo is attending the commemorative dialogue in Honour of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere public lecture hosted by the Former President of Tanzania, Dr Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. The event has been graced by notable African leaders, Former South Africa President, Hon Thabo Mbeki, Zimbabwe National Army Commander, General Sanyatwe, Col (RTD) Joseph Simbakalia, Freedom fighter Instructor at the National Defence College and MJNLS, representatives from ANC, FRELIMO, and China Communist party officials. Muzamhindo was amongst the invited guests by the Former Tanzania President, Dr J. Kikwete who is leading the commemorations.


This move highlights his role as a regional giant whose innovative ideas have the potential to catalyze economic turnaround not only in his homeland but across the African continent. By sharing his insights and strategies with neighboring nations, he is planting seeds of collaboration and growth that could flourish into a robust network of economic prosperity. Below are eight key points detailing the significance and impact of the Growth Transformative Strategy in both Zimbabwe and Tanzania.


  1. Growth Transformative Strategy publication gaining traction across Africa

Dr Muzamhindo’s Growth Transformative Strategy has become a beacon of hope for many in Zimbabwe and is now gaining traction on various African platforms. The book’s comprehensive roadmap, which outlines strategies to achieve vision 2030, has garnered significant attention from policymakers, scholars, and business leaders alike. Its emphasis on meticulous planning, industrial growth, and strategic coordination resonates well with the aspirations of many African nations striving for economic development. As discussions about economic recovery and sustainable growth intensify across the continent, Dr. Muzamhindo’s book serves as a vital resource. It provides actionable insights that can be adapted to local contexts, making it not just relevant to Zimbabwe but applicable across diverse African economies. The book’s popularity is a testament to its potential to influence development strategies regionally, promoting a shared vision for prosperity.

2. Strengthening the ZIST Think Tank in Zimbabwe and Beyond

A crucial aspect of Dr. Muzamhindo’s mission is to fortify the ZIST think tank, ensuring it becomes a powerhouse of innovative ideas and strategic planning. By fostering a culture of intellectual discourse and collaboration, ZIST aims to create an environment where thought leaders can converge to tackle pressing national issues. Strengthening the think tank is not merely about enhancing institutional capacity; it’s about building a robust network of experts who can contribute to national policy formulation and implementation.


In recent forums, discussions have revolved around the need for ZIST to expand its reach beyond Zimbabwe’s borders. By engaging with other think tanks and institutions across Africa, ZIST can facilitate knowledge exchange, share best practices, and foster partnerships that drive collective growth. This collaborative approach ensures that the insights gained from the Growth Transformative Strategy are not confined to Zimbabwe but are disseminated and adapted across the continent.


  1. Building Relations Across the Continent


Dr. Muzamhindo’s initiative to promote the Growth Transformative Strategy in Tanzania is more than just a cross-border collaboration; it represents a significant effort to build stronger relationships among African nations. By engaging with African leaders, ex-presidents, policymakers, business leaders, and academic institutions, Dr. Muzamhindo is fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation that is essential for collective development. The relationships built through this endeavor serve as a foundation for shared strategies and collaborative projects that can address common challenges faced by African economies.


The establishment of bilateral ties is crucial, especially in areas like trade, investment, and technology exchange. By strengthening these relationships, Zimbabwe and Tanzania can create synergies that enhance economic resilience and foster growth. This collaborative approach enables both countries to leverage their unique strengths and resources, ultimately contributing to regional stability and prosperity.

4. The Book’s Global Reach: Over 2,500 Copies Sold


The remarkable success of the Growth Transformative Strategy is evidenced by its widespread acceptance and the sale of over 2,500 copies. This impressive figure not only highlights the book’s popularity in Zimbabwe but also indicates its growing influence on a global scale. As more individuals, organizations, and governments recognize the value of Dr. Muzamhindo’s insights, the book is becoming a vital resource for those seeking to implement effective strategies for economic growth.

The book’s global reach signifies a collective recognition of the unique challenges that Zimbabwe and other African countries face. By offering practical solutions and innovative strategies, Dr. Muzamhindo is positioning himself as a thought leader whose ideas transcend geographical boundaries. This dissemination of knowledge fosters an environment where countries can learn from each other’s experiences, successes, and failures.


  1. Structuring a Think Tank in Zimbabwe


One of the critical discussions emanating from Dr. Muzamhindo’s efforts is how to establish a structured think tank in Zimbabwe that can effectively contribute to national development. The proposed think tank would serve as a hub for research, policy analysis, and strategic planning, providing an evidence-based foundation for decision-making.

A well-structured think tank would focus on identifying key areas of national interest and developing actionable strategies to address them. This involves engaging experts from diverse fields, including economics, social sciences, and environmental studies, to provide a multidisciplinary perspective on complex issues. By fostering collaboration among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers, the think tank can ensure that its recommendations are grounded in reality and tailored to Zimbabwe’s unique context.


  1. Studying Successful Economies: Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopia as Case Studies

    In the pursuit of economic transformation, Dr. Muzamhindo emphasizes the importance of studying successful economies, with Tanzania and Ethiopia standing out as exemplary case studies. These countries have demonstrated remarkable progress in their economic development journeys, providing valuable lessons for Zimbabwe and other nations looking to achieve similar outcomes. By analyzing the strategies implemented by Tanzania and Ethiopia, Dr. Muzamhindo aims to extract insights that can be adapted and tailored to Zimbabwe’s context.

    Tanzania has made significant strides in economic growth through strategic investments in technology, education, and infrastructure. The Tanzania government’s commitment to creating a conducive environment for business, coupled with its emphasis on good governance, has attracted foreign investment and spurred domestic entrepreneurship. By studying these strategies, Zimbabwe can identify best practices that could be implemented to enhance its own economic landscape.

    On the other hand, Ethiopia’s ambitious development plans, particularly its focus on industrialization and infrastructure development, present another model for Zimbabwe to consider. Ethiopia has successfully built industrial parks, attracting both local and foreign industries to stimulate job creation and economic diversification. Understanding the nuances of Ethiopia’s approach allows Zimbabwe to explore pathways for fostering a robust industrial sector that can drive economic transformation and sustainability.


  1. Fellowship and Exchange Programs on Research and Development

    Dr. Muzamhindo recognizes the value of fostering international collaboration through fellowship and exchange programs focused on research and development. By facilitating interactions between scholars and practitioners from Zimbabwe and other countries, these programs can enhance knowledge sharing, capacity building, and innovation. Such programs can provide Zimbabwean researchers with opportunities to engage with international experts, gaining exposure to cutting-edge research methodologies and best practices in various fields. This exchange of knowledge is vital for nurturing a culture of research and development that can inform national policies and strategies. Furthermore, the establishment of partnerships with institutions in countries like Tanzania can lead to joint research initiatives that address pressing challenges faced by both nations.

    8. Engaging with Key Organizations in Tanzania


Dr. Muzamhindo’s mission in Tanzania is further strengthened by his engagements with prominent figures such as Former President of South Africa, HE Thabo Mbeki, prominent organizations, including Thabo Mbeki institution, the Tanzania Governance Board, the Institute of Research and Dialogue for Peace (IRDP), and Transparency Tanzania. These organizations play a pivotal role in shaping policy, governance, and development initiatives within Tanzania. With these initiatives at hand, forums such as Julius Nyerere would build strategic platforms for ZIST and Zimbabwe.


Collaborating with such institutions allows Dr. Muzamhindo to gain insights into successful governance practices and policy frameworks that have driven Tanzania’s impressive development trajectory. By sharing experiences and strategies, Zimbabwe can learn from Tanzania’s successes and challenges, applying these lessons to its own context.


Recently, Dr Muzamhindo launched the Vision 2030 manual which attracted more than 300 delegates, cabinet ministers, senior government officials, civic leaders, university students, academics, prominent business leaders, top executives, CEOs, heads of parastatals, entrepreneurs, and various leaders across all sectors of the economy. Notable figures were Former Minister of Finance, Hon Patrick Chinamasa, Minister of War Veterans, Senator Monica Mavhunga, Top Banker, Nigel Chanakira, Prominent lawyer, Arthur Marara, and Harare provincial Minister, Senator Charles Tawengwa. The manual is a significant guide towards national planning aligning it towards Vision 2030 agenda.




Dr. Muzamhindo who is currently in Tanzania is set to meet the Former President of South Africa, His Excellency, Thabo Mbeki, the Former President of Tanzania, His Excellency, Dr J. Kikwete, and many other various leaders on Growth Transformative Strategy. He will also have meetings with the Government Think Tank, Tanzania Government officials, and civic leaders across Africa. During his visit, he is expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on behalf of ZIST with Think Tanks in Tanzania and strategic engagements with Former Presidents, which will encompass areas of collaboration such as research and development, policy development, strategy, and advisory work, and capacity building.


Muzamhindo’s efforts in promoting the Growth Transformative Strategy in Zimbabwe and beyond embody a visionary approach to economic development. His work transcends borders, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and strategic partnerships that have the potential to reshape economies across Africa. By focusing on meticulous planning, industrial growth, and strategic coordination, Dr. Muzamhindo is laying the groundwork for a prosperous future not only for Zimbabwe but for the entire region.


As we look towards the realization of Vision 2030, the insights and strategies outlined in the Growth Transformative Strategy will undoubtedly serve as a guiding light for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners committed to driving sustainable development and economic transformation.